Recently they found some products like cheese and ice cream that were sold in shops even if they were expired. Do you check the expiration date before you buy something?
Yes, always.
Having said that, not so long ago I (and a friend) drank a crate of Strongbow cider that was 4 years out of date with no adverse effects... Apart from getting very pissed.
In Jamaica, its the customers responsibility to check the expiry dates, items cannot be usually have to wipe the dust off the cans to see the date in the first place LOL
That is one of the reasons why I buy from major supermarkets, the chances are, everything will still be ok to use. I always check the expiry dates. Even on tins, if they are dented slightly, I won't touch them.
Some months ago, I think it was 12 October, we were and Chris Cash and Carry and we saw some chickens that had as a production date the 14th of October!!! Of course the expiration date was also moved 2 days
ahaha not very smart at chris cash and carry huh?
I went there once when I was like 16 I didnt think it was all it was made out to be. I like woolworths myself but also the stores in my hometown.
I do usually it depends where I am buying from, I bought some baby food in a local shop and for some reason I just looked at the date and it was 1 year out of date. I was very irrate. at the end of the day you are the cusomer and the stores job is to sell you the product. therfore it should be there job to ensure the product is good!!