Niki2410 wrote:As a potential buyer in Cyprus (moving in 2007) I have very quickly come to the decision that even though North Cyprus is a lot cheaper than South Cyprus I would in no way wish to buy a property there because of the history.
It is possible however that North Cyprus buyers do this out of ignorance rather than greed as the property agents are very 'hard sell'.
As far as the buyers are concerned they are getting a fantastic house for less money. Immoral to the poor Cypriots who have been turfed out but understandable - we are all human. It is not about deliberate provokation.
I only know of the problems after extensive research on the web. They wouldn't exactly have big banners saying "evil people buy homes in North Cyprus' at the overseas home exhibitions in the UK or in the property magazines.
there is no ignorance on the matter. it is as simple as that. you buy sth cheap that carries a high risk. the choise is yours, but dont go around complaining bc :
1. the are so many adds in the north that say : "with legal tc titles" - and they are more expensive. so unless someone is stupid, he would understand why a piece of land is cheaper and some other is more expensive, and why such advertisements exist
2. the british embassy in cyprus warns :
Property issues are closely linked to the political situation. There are a number of potential practical, financial and legal implications, particularly for those considering buying property in the north - these relate to the non-recognition of the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", the possibility of a future political settlement in Cyprus, and claims to ownership from people displaced in 1974. There is also a risk that purchasers would face legal proceedings in the courts of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as attempts to enforce judgments from the courts of the Republic of Cyprus elsewhere in the EU, including the UK. ... 9607499833
so , dont give me this ignorance stuff.
its a choise. it could be that in the end these people keep those houses, i cannot say that for sure , but if they loose it , i hope they dont go around saying : "but we didnot know" .
didnt you know ?
why didnt you ask ?