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Opportunities for good jobs after uni

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Opportunities for good jobs after uni

Postby Niki » Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:21 pm

You moderators seem like an intelligent lot :lol: :lol: :lol: so can you tell me what the chances of getting a decent job after college are in Cyprus?

Any non-moderators can join in of course.

My kids, 10 and 12, will be at secondary school when we get there but I am concerned about what their opportunities are after uni.

Maybe we have to buy a place back in the UK when the time comes as well as in Cyprus.


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Postby Svetlana » Sun Mar 19, 2006 6:48 pm

Hi Niki

You are asking what job opportunities will be like in 10 years time. Cyprus is going through great periods of change and who knows what the country's economy will be like then.

As an aside, I really wonder whta direction the Government is taking us? I fear it has no direction whatsoever and we will be blown along with the wind.

Sorry that is not much help, Niki, but suffice it to say that employemnet prospects are not great here, especially if people do not speak Greek.

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Postby kalahari » Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:50 pm

Hi Lana

I am interested in knowing opportunities currently to get a guide to the differences between the UK and Cyprus as it stands.

You seem negative about Cyprus. The same could be said for the UK - many people for few jobs.

I do feel that the if the house prices carry on going up in Cyprus the wages will have to meet to the levels at some point or meltdown is inevitable.

My kids will undoubtedly learn Greek before they leave school so this shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks for the response Lana
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:47 am

Hi Kalahari

I tend to be very cautious about foreigners coming here to work, especially if they come from Western Europe, as they will find it so different.

Salaries are very low and competition high. It is who you know that counts so much here - and you need to understand that 'foreign' competion is not welcomed.

My company is regularly raided by the Authorites, inspired by their koumbares, a British acquantance had his warehouse burnt down etc etc

No complaints from me, I accept that is how things are.
The point I am making is that setting up a business requires some resilience; I have met a numbre of people who have tried and failed.

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Postby Niki » Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:22 pm

Hi Lana

I completely understand your point of view. It must be frustrating for Cypriots when 'foreigners' take the work away from them. Many of the forum posts seem to involve finding work in Cyprus.

When you say your company was raided do you mean tax people or health and safety inspectors? If more sinister than this then maybe you should look at the UK to make your money (although this is not easy) and move back when money is less of an issue. That's what the EU is all about - it works both ways.

Having read your responses to other posts you seem to know what you're talking about - ever thought of creating a business that helps people move and settle in Cyprus - we will be employing a company to do exactly that when we move and there don't appear to be many of them.

I run a design and advertising business here in the UK that we are about to sell. The law and pressures are immense so we have had enough - Cyprus is the 'reward' for the years of hard work and somewhere I believe will be good for the kids to grow up - safe and friendly.

Luckily my husband is a good illustrator and copywriter so we will carry on working for clients in the UK on a freelance basis although I'm not sure who we pay tax to if we live in Cyprus and work with other markets.

Good to talk to you.


(ps Kalahari is my husband - our computer decided to automatically sign in as him but it applies to us both anyway)
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:12 am

From what I've read and seen there is strong job growth in skilled trades associated with building - Stuff UNi- get your 10 year of old little girl out of school and sign her up as a brickies apprentice.
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