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Is Ayia Napa still known as the San Antonio of Cyprus

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Postby tcklim » Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:47 pm

Just curious... how old is everyone that's "getting out". You're all talking about moving down there and buying property, so I'm assuming you've been working for a while and have managed to amass some cash. I'm still graduating, so need the opportunity to work and move up the ladder! That's just not possible in Cyprus, future is limited, need to go somewhere where I can secure a future. Doesn't HAVE to be England, I'll be searching around the world, but Cyprus would seriously limit my potential... me thinks.
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Postby Angel Eyes » Tue May 02, 2006 4:43 pm

Hey there folk's :) I had family who lived in Cyprus so decided to give it a go living and working there. I love Cyprus but I totally understand what your saying about the pay etc tyclim. I am in my late 20's and after 2 1/2 year's I found myself in a kind of "rutt".....What I found is the cost of everyday living is going up, but, the pay is staying the same.....Cyprus is a great place to live if you have the money, your own business which does well etc, but for me personally, I just felt I couldn't make and save any decent money over there.. That's why at the end of Feburary this year I moved back to Scotland :cry: Im really missing the weather, my friend's and many other thing's but in the long run I need to get some sort of financial security behind me and felt after trying for over 2 year's it wasn't going to happen in Cyprus.....Still I'll be back for holiday's....Can't wait :D :D :D
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Postby littlemiss » Wed May 03, 2006 4:19 pm

What I dont understand myself is why all the people coming from the UK comment on the misery life, crime etc etc etc.... well, if you do not consider the big cities like London, Manchester etc, and consider Canterbury, Kent, Margate, Ramsgate and the like, the crime is actually low and I believe you can rase a family at those small towns (small compared to LOndon, similar to the CY towns)....

Im from one of these lovelly kent towns :roll: Folkestone to be precise, and it was bloody horrible along with the rest of them in kent the teenage kids did more drugs than could be supplied to them, as a result there was alot of crime i presume to pay for it. The whole torturing a lamb and throwing it in a packed pub was enough for me. These towns were really nice 15 years ago but are going down hill fast. Cyprus is the place to be and i do not blame a soul for choosing to be here, i never want to see folkestone, dover , ramsgate or canterbury ever again.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 4:52 pm

[quote=" The whole torturing a lamb and throwing it in a packed pub was enough for me. .[/quote]

You sure this was not in the 15th century.
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Postby littlemiss » Wed May 03, 2006 5:20 pm

lol i wish no it was two years ago a group of teens stole it from a field beat the living day lights out of it slit its throat and threw it in a packed pub during the football bloody sick freaks!!!!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 7:36 pm

littlemiss wrote:lol i wish no it was two years ago a group of teens stole it from a field beat the living day lights out of it slit its throat and threw it in a packed pub during the football bloody sick freaks!!!!

I know the whole thing is sick....but if you apply a little vision to the whole episode as the events unfolded, I could not stop laughing for couple of minutes. Just to see the reaction of all those having their pints in the pub.

Add me into your "sickoo freaks" column...
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 03, 2006 7:43 pm

Kikapu wrote:
littlemiss wrote:lol i wish no it was two years ago a group of teens stole it from a field beat the living day lights out of it slit its throat and threw it in a packed pub during the football bloody sick freaks!!!!

I know the whole thing is sick....but if you apply a little vision to the whole episode as the events unfolded, I could not stop laughing for couple of minutes. Just to see the reaction of all those having their pints in the pub.

Add me into your "sickoo freaks" column...

Still can't stop laughing...
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Postby andri_cy » Wed May 03, 2006 7:47 pm

well the sheer fear and freaking out has to be funny a bit if you were an observer.
The fact that some teenagers had the mastermind and stomach to do that is actually disturbing.
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Postby simonwjones » Fri May 12, 2006 7:45 pm

If I was a betting man I’d say you were a dreamer.

If you ever leave the UK I’d take great pleasure in welcoming you here and buy you a beer but based on your recent posts I think my CY£1 is fairly safe.[/quote]

Best get your pound out an order me a large Keo please Mr Grump!

Just paid the first phase for my apartment. See you in 18 months, hope my lager is still chilled by then!!!!! :)
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat May 13, 2006 6:30 am

Congratulations! ;-)

Although an old friend of mine used to say ‘there’s many a slip ‘twixt cup and lip’… :D
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