What I dont understand myself is why all the people coming from the UK comment on the misery life, crime etc etc etc.... well, if you do not consider the big cities like London, Manchester etc, and consider Canterbury, Kent, Margate, Ramsgate and the like, the crime is actually low and I believe you can rase a family at those small towns (small compared to LOndon, similar to the CY towns)....
littlemiss wrote:lol i wish no it was two years ago a group of teens stole it from a field beat the living day lights out of it slit its throat and threw it in a packed pub during the football bloody sick freaks!!!!
Kikapu wrote:littlemiss wrote:lol i wish no it was two years ago a group of teens stole it from a field beat the living day lights out of it slit its throat and threw it in a packed pub during the football bloody sick freaks!!!!
I know the whole thing is sick....but if you apply a little vision to the whole episode as the events unfolded, I could not stop laughing for couple of minutes. Just to see the reaction of all those having their pints in the pub.
Add me into your "sickoo freaks" column...
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