Thats decided then, we just eat pumpernickle instead!
pumpernickle wrote:Luck's out. I'm a great big, grizzly hulk of a hairy man.
Hopefully, this does not come as a source of encouragement. I love how people also assume me to be British or whatever. I can't remember revealing my nationality. Must be my amazing use of the english language.
Anyway, back to your discussion of Pumpernickle and its uses in the kitchen. Pleaase continue.
pumpernickle wrote:Leonides,
I don't mean to sound arrogant. But it's God Damned hard being this cool.
If I were any better, they'd kill me, embalm me and lay me next to Lenin in that kryogenically frozen coffin in Moscow.
There'd be pilgramiges from people who had merely heard of my name by random passers by. The effect of my brilliance would make hitherto worthless existences joyous and satisfying.
Svetlana and Piraeus would get pay rises, just to read my threads and cope with the glaring brilliance of my prose.
Huggies would experience 70% rises in their shares on the Nasdaq, due to swollen stocks and profits because people would be pissing themselves in their millions in sheer awe at my verbal tenacity and spectacular talent.
Cyprus Forum needs me. In the same way as a tree needs sun and carbon dioxide, and Rauf Denktash needs to lose about 40 kilos.
It'll be a sad day in the depths of frozen sh1t hole hell when Kuria. Admin bans my beautiful ass.
So for now, you can sunbathe in my words of majesty.
And anyone who don't like it, you can look for an anagram of 'kiss my mutherf****ing ass' in the word 'Pumpernickle'.
Ta da.
rawk wrote:Why don't we have a vote..... Hang on a minute, what exactly is a pumpernickle?
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