How I have loved thee so, alas, I feel the reign of Pumpernickle is shortly to end in an ignominious cyber squit. I.e. I have a sneaky suspicion that Admin are gunning for me - more than ever.
The knives are out for this here 'trouble maker', et u Brutus and all the Julius Caeser reference you can shake your souvlaki at. I aint gonna last.
Think of me as a torso pierced warrior on the battle field. He was valiant, alas his time has come.
But before I go (or am killed off) I want to say best of luck, or n'aste kala, to all the forummers I have had the pleasure of meeting here and exchanging hilarious posts.
Also a hello to the lovely and friendly Svetlana who I have alot of time for and who is tolerant of my posts. If only her bubble and squeak colleagues were likewise.
Bye all, and God Bless another shining day for democracy. Watch dis space.