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Epats from the uk ?(Andri_cy and Twinkle)

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Epats from the uk ?(Andri_cy and Twinkle)

Postby jazzy1 » Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:08 pm

Andri_cy and twinkle (and others from the uk)

From what I read you are both from the UK. is that right?

I am hoping to come over to cyprus by end of year
I am half cypriot half english, my husband is Greek and we have 2 kids ( 1 and 2 yrs old)

I am trying desperatley to gather as much info and advice as I can about Cyprus.

Its getting bad in the UK. The once good areas are getting bad and shootings on my parents road have become yesterdays news, I wouldnt mind but it was once trouble free.
Not so bad where I live mainly the muggings and stabbings etc.

Having my kids has made me think its time to get outta here, betime they go to school they will be wearing bullet proof vests and getting searched at the door!!!

Anyway leaving here means leaving families etc... heartbreaking but I feel I have to do it.

So if you havent fallen asleep reading this...have you found life in Cyprus a good move?? x
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:30 am

I am sorry hun but I am full Greek Cypriot and I live in the US, where my husband is from. I lived in the UK for a while but that was a looooong time ago and I dont think it counts. I am going to tell you that all my family is in Cyprus and I am thinking of a move because of the whole bulletproof vests in school and metasl detectors and all that stuff going on here.
My brother and his wife have just move there from London. His wife is british. They both found jobs. They seem to be very pleased with the move. Weather is better and the people mostly friendlier though there are always exeptions everywhere. I am sure it is going to be hard leaving family behind but they are only a few hrs away by plane and they can come or you can go for visits. I think you will be fine.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:12 am

We moved to Cyprus from the UK about four years ago.

We absolutely adore it here – there is significantly less crime than the UK apart from anything else.

Something we’ve said, and I’ve heard other ex-pats say is that if it didn’t work out here for any reason, the UK wouldn’t be our first choice to return to. Perhaps that gives you an indication of how our eyes have been opened to a new way of life?
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Postby davidp » Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:30 am

cyprusgrump wrote:We moved to Cyprus from the UK about four years ago.

We absolutely adore it here – there is significantly less crime than the UK apart from anything else.

Something we’ve said, and I’ve heard other ex-pats say is that if it didn’t work out here for any reason, the UK wouldn’t be our first choice to return to. Perhaps that gives you an indication of how our eyes have been opened to a new way of life?

We agree with you 100% cyprusgrump.

Family left back in ones country of origin can be a strong tie, but you only have one life and this is not a rehearsal.
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Postby jazzy1 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:03 am

you know Davidp....the whole family things is a nightmare, especially since my children are the only grandkids my Husband parents have and they see them 3-4 times a week (which is alot for grandparents I know) this makes it so hard. His parents are getting on now and I feel like we are taking away everything by leaving.

But I hear you, you cant live your life for others, but its a tough call. xx
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Postby twinkle » Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:14 am

I'm half cyp, half english. Moved here in 2000, unwillingly I have to say. The first 3 months were a holiday. Then I had to find a job. That's tough as the money I was used to was a mere fantasy over here. After 3 jobs I am settled and have been for the past 5 years. (Yes, 2 jobs in the space of 9months!!). The people take some getting used to. Don't ever think you can change them. You learn to adapt and except to a certain extent. I have to say, they never cease to amaze me. Safety wise, Cyprus is incomparable to the UK. As a single girl I was out and about til all hours during the first 2 years. Never came across any trouble. There have been reports of an increase in attacks and burglaries, even robberies and rape. But the view towards these serious types of attacks is scorned upon so venemently that if these people were caught, they would be crying out for police protection. The cost of living is lower than the UK, there isn't much variety compared to the UK, but there is the Internet and you can order almost anything. There isn's much social activity bar, the gym, going for coffee, restaurants etc, but if you're looking for specialised interests you will have to probably travel a distance depending on where you live of course. But saying that most towns are pretty close compared to travelling around London. As for kids, I am planning a family and wouldn't bring my kids up anywhere else. The private schooling here is very good. The state schools are good too, but nearly every child I know has extra lessons, which makes you think what they are actually being taught in school. However, surprisingly, the majority of Cypriots go on to further education and they flash their degrees around like a bus pass. Talking of bus passes, the public transport system....face facts, there isn't one. Everyone drives, most of them badly! As for leaving your family. My parents were here already and had been here for nearly 7 years before I was carried over. My sister and here husband moved over last year and love it already. I only have my brother and his family in the UK now and they would move over at the drop of a hat, if the job situation was better. We're living in 2006, where air transport is readily available and competitive. The UK is only 4 1/2 hours flight time away. It takes nearly the same time to drive from the centre of London to Leeds...........

My advice is, give it a try. It takes time, but in the long run you will not want to return to the UK. I can only take stints of 3 days at a time now. Let me know if you need anything else and I'll try and help out.
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