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Is it safe to purchase property in Southern Cyprus ?

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Is it safe to purchase property in Southern Cyprus ?

Postby charliechoice » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:18 pm

The problems of purchasing property in the North of Cyprus are well publicised, but I can't help but wander why the same problems don't apply to property in the South. Whilst my overall knowledge of the 1974 war is somewhat lacking ( and please forgive me if I offend anyone) but surely Turkish Cypriots living in the south at that time would have been forced to forfeit property that they once owned. Has this land been built on since ?
The reason I ask the question is that I am looking to purchase in the south
and would like the reassurance that it is not illegal. As I have previously said, I don't confess to knowing a great deal about the long running problems of Cyprus so please don't take offence.

Regards Charlie.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:18 am

Property with Greek Cypriot Title Deeds (i.e. no under dispute or owned by ‘displaced persons) is readily available in the south.

You’ll need a Cypriot solicitor to complete the purchase and one of their tasks is a land registry search to ensure that the seller actually owns title to the property and has the necessary planning permits.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:29 am

You are not able t o purchase land whose title is held by Turkish Cypriots. This land is more or less held in trust pending their return. Recently more and more Turkish Cypriots are moving to the free areas.

Turkish Cypriot land is only compulsorily acquired only if there is an absolute necessity like the case with part of the land that Larnaca airport is built or for freeways. GReek Cypriots want Turksih Cypriots to return to their properties in the South - but the Turks don't want us to go back.

There were never that many turks- although they always demand alot of exclusive privileges out of all proportion with the size of their population - they only make up less than 18% of the population.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:38 am

below is a recent article on some of the practical difficulties refugees face:
Doubts raised about validity of refugee title deed plans
By Jacqueline Theodoulou

THE REGULATIONS submitted to Parliament by the government regarding the granting of title deeds to refugees are not valid, European Party Deputy Christodoulos Taramountas argued yesterday.

Before discussions even began on the deeds, legal problems arose when Taramountas pointed out that the regulations were not valid, because according to the law, only refugees are entitled to deeds.

But for the new legislation to work, he continued, the regulations provide that non-refugees are also allowed title deeds, such as relatives of missing persons and those affected by war. And this is something that could cause conflict, he claimed.

In the event that someone turns to Court, the entire design could be overturned and the title deeds would have to be annulled, he warned.

President of the Refugee Committee Aristophanis Georgiou of AKEL admitted that there was a legal problem, but that this concerned only around 100 incidents, involving the relatives of war sufferers and missing persons who owned refugees residencies.
This group of people, he assured, would be dealt with under special regulations. He also reassured refugees that before the end the current House broke up for elections in the spring, the relevant legislation would be voted for and wrapped up.

DISY Deputy Ionas Nicolaou said there was a strong will for the concession of refugee homes. The legal problems needed to be overcome with relevant amendments that would satisfy all refugees, he added.

The new bill affects refugees living in government housing or self-built homes on government plots. It will not apply to refugee families living in Turkish Cypriot homes or properties built on Turkish Cypriot land. Instead, as compensation, they will receive a plot of government land in the district they currently live in.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:51 am

Um yes… but the bottom line for charliechoice is that it is very easy to purchase property in the south which is not owned by T/C’s.
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Postby nhowarth » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:05 pm

Hi Charlie,

> I can't help but wander why the same problems don't apply to property in the South.

The same problems DO NOT apply in the south. Unlike the Turkish Cypriot refugees who were 'given' Greek owned property in the occupied area by the Turkish regime, the Cyprus government built houses for the Greek Cypriot refugees that fled south at the time of the invasion.

> Turkish Cypriots living in the south at that time would have been forced to forfeit property that they once owned. Has this land been built on since ?

The Turkish Cypriots have not forfeited their property. Some Turkish Cypriot (and Greek Cypriot) land has been compulsory purchased for things like the airport, roads, and other public works. Some Turkish Cypriot properties are occupied by Greek Cypriots - but they have not been given them.

Just recently, a Turkish Cypriot family returned to their property in Episkopi and the Cyrus Government rehomed the Greek Cypriot family that was living in it.

There are absolutely no problems with buying property in the south.

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Postby simonwjones » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:07 am

Have you decided to purchase Charlie?
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