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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby rawk » Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:38 am

Hi mrfromng

Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.


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Postby andri_cy » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:12 am

rawk wrote:Tony-4497

Hi, I hear what your saying, but I don't understand your last sentence. It seems to contradict the sentence before, either Turkey relinquishes north Cyprus (politically impossible) or it joins the EU. Is that what you're saying? Please elaborate.


I believe what he was trying to convey is that they either relinquish north Cyprus or they DONT get to join EU
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:30 pm

Hi mrfromng

Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.



Definitely rawk, 1st round is mine. :wink:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:02 pm

rawk wrote:Hi mrfromng

Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.



Hello,Rawk...I haven't been around for a while so I don't know you from a bar of soap,but let me make a simple comment about your signature statement...The answer is YES if the theives have actually tricked the fools into scattering their posessions :wink:
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Postby Sotos » Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:09 pm

Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.

I am not surprised that these guys know each other. Their actions are probably coordinated by this "humebuyers pressure group" aka "Thieves association" :lol:
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Postby rawk » Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:40 pm


So if the fools were the GCs in 1974, I'd say that it was Greece and Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston who played the part of the thieves in deceiving them, not the TCs. Or do you subscribe to the conspiracy theory that the TCs organised their own massacre with the connivence of Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston.

Or are you trying to lather something up?

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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:16 pm

Rawk, you are a fool according to me. Does this give me the right to act in a criminal way against you and violate your human and legal rights?

If I did that, wouldn't you seek justice against me? Would you just sit and accept the violations of your legal and human rights because I think you are a fool?

If you think of us as fools thats your problem. The UN, EU etc all recognize only one state in Cyprus part of which is illegally occupied by Turkey. The ECHR has confirmed the right of our refugees to return to their homes. So who are you to decide that we are "fools" and therefore you have the right to steal our properties? Your criminal action is illegal and make no mistake that we will act against you in all ways possible because we have every right to do so.

About the Cyprus problem you only see what you want. The fact is that the Turks have committed much more crimes against Greek Cypriots. You are talking as if the conflict in Cyprus is the responsibility of Greek Cypriots by forgetting the whole history, selectively remembering only the tiny parts that suits you.

Like others that illegally bought land in the occupied part of Cyprus you are clueless regarding the Cyprus problem. All you care about is how to secure the illegal investment that you have made and how you can profit by illegally exploiting the misery of our refugees. This is why you subscribe to the most extreme Turkish propaganda without questioning even a single letter from it.

As I said to Balaka: You will lose from your illegal investment big time. And by running around in forums, not only you are not helping yourself, but you are in fact increasing the chances of being among the first that will receive legal and other actions against you.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:55 pm


You keep going on about a solution that in reality takes us back to pre 74.
Please explain how you will achieve this. Tell me what happens to the schooling of both GC and TC kids, tell me what happens to hospitals for the TC community. I also would like to know about policing the TC's. I have been looking at all angles and find it logistically impossible.

Please lets not forget the settlers, remember these people are innocent in all this, they are victims of circumstances. There are kids born in Cyprus that have never even been to Turkey, they were educated here and know themselves as Cypriots. There are families that have no connection whatsoever with Turkey anymore, what are you going to do with these people. My personal view is this. If we as TC's and you guys as GC's were to demand their return back to Turkey and the settlers took us to the ECHR or any civilised court of law we would lose every time. You call yourselves Europeans, well can you see the any court of law sending these people back?

You are also forgetting that the law is very much on our side, remember "possession is ninety percent of the law". You talk about the UN and the EU, what have they really done for you to believe the outcome of a settlement will be in your favour?

If the Cyprus issue was an important one to the rest of the world it would be in the media to remind the rest of the world what the barbaric Turks did to you and how you have been suffering all these years. Well as I see it that is hardly the case, in fact on a few occasions the media gave air-time to the issue has been damning to you guys to say the least. Please, I beg you to sit and think long and hard about the Cyprus issue before you make such unreasonable demands.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:30 pm

You keep going on about a solution that in reality takes us back to pre 74.
Please explain how you will achieve this. Tell me what happens to the schooling of both GC and TC kids, tell me what happens to hospitals for the TC community. I also would like to know about policing the TC's. I have been looking at all angles and find it logistically impossible.

So what you claim is that all democratic multi ethnic, multi lingual countries are "logistically impossible"?? What happens to schools, hospitals etc is what happens in all other countries. What is so impossible with that?

Please lets not forget the settlers, remember these people are innocent in all this, they are victims of circumstances.

They are Turkish citizens victims of Turkey. Most Turkish citizens are victims of their military ruled country. The solution for them is a democratic European Turkey that will take care of her citizens instead of using them for her expansionistic plans.
As Cypriots we will do what we can to help those people from a humanitarian point of view, and some of them might even stay in Cyprus. This doesn't mean they have the right to take GC properties. Would you accept it if the Turkish settlers were given TC land instead of GC land?

You are also forgetting that the law is very much on our side, remember "possession is ninety percent of the law". You talk about the UN and the EU, what have they really done for you to believe the outcome of a settlement will be in your favor?

Stealing is illegal, so is the Turkish occupation of Cyprus.
Now if you are talking about the balance of power which doesn't favor us at the moment then I agree, it doesn't. But the balance of power changes. If we don't agree on something fair without any discriminations and human rights violations then it is certain that we will again have war with the next swing of balance of power. Would you want that? Do you think such thing is beneficial for Cyprus?

If the Cyprus issue was an important one to the rest of the world it would be in the media to remind the rest of the world what the barbaric Turks did to you and how you have been suffering all these years. Well as I see it that is hardly the case, in fact on a few occasions the media gave air-time to the issue has been damning to you guys to say the least. Please, I beg you to sit and think long and hard about the Cyprus issue before you make such unreasonable demands.

Which of my demands are unreasonable? To ask for human rights for all Cypriots? To ask for the respect of international law? To ask for democracy in the way that exists in any other EU country?
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:48 pm

Which of my demands are unreasonable? To ask for human rights for all Cypriots? To ask for the respect of international law? To ask for democracy in the way that exists in any other EU country?

Have you given thought to the human rights of TC's? Do you not understand that we are afraid to live amongst Greeks? That we fear for our security?

You say "to ask for human rights for all Cypriots", I assume the TC's are included in all this. Piratis, my friend we want our own rights, self determination, we want to rule ourselves, we want an existence in our country as respected citizens, you could never offer us this. In the old days we were treated as dirt, second-class citizens we no longer want this type of existence.

The best soultion to all this is to leave it to those that really want a fair and lasting solution to the problem i.e the UN.
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