Hi mrfromng
Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.
rawk wrote:Tony-4497
Hi, I hear what your saying, but I don't understand your last sentence. It seems to contradict the sentence before, either Turkey relinquishes north Cyprus (politically impossible) or it joins the EU. Is that what you're saying? Please elaborate.
Hi mrfromng
Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.
rawk wrote:Hi mrfromng
Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.
Got to meet up for a drink this summer at the Colony, I'll brink Bakala.
You keep going on about a solution that in reality takes us back to pre 74.
Please explain how you will achieve this. Tell me what happens to the schooling of both GC and TC kids, tell me what happens to hospitals for the TC community. I also would like to know about policing the TC's. I have been looking at all angles and find it logistically impossible.
Please lets not forget the settlers, remember these people are innocent in all this, they are victims of circumstances.
You are also forgetting that the law is very much on our side, remember "possession is ninety percent of the law". You talk about the UN and the EU, what have they really done for you to believe the outcome of a settlement will be in your favor?
If the Cyprus issue was an important one to the rest of the world it would be in the media to remind the rest of the world what the barbaric Turks did to you and how you have been suffering all these years. Well as I see it that is hardly the case, in fact on a few occasions the media gave air-time to the issue has been damning to you guys to say the least. Please, I beg you to sit and think long and hard about the Cyprus issue before you make such unreasonable demands.
Which of my demands are unreasonable? To ask for human rights for all Cypriots? To ask for the respect of international law? To ask for democracy in the way that exists in any other EU country?
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