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Why do Cypriot blokes all think they're Snoop Dogg?

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Postby jazzy1 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:04 am

I agree. its good. otherwise I get lead down the path that its paradise.
to be honest as long as there are not regular shootings and muggings and all the other crimes on the increase daily here then hopefully I can deal with it. x
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Postby rotate » Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:55 pm

jazzy1 wrote:I agree. its good. otherwise I get lead down the path that its paradise.
to be honest as long as there are not regular shootings and muggings and all the other crimes on the increase daily here then hopefully I can deal with it. x

Bad news on the muggings front I'm afraid!

My brother-in-law was mugged mid morning of Tuesday last week close to Ayios Lazarus Church Larnaca. Poor guy only arrived on business in Cyprus the previous Saturday, by the evening of 'Green Monday' he received news from the UK that his wife had been admitted as an emergency patient into hospital and was on his way to a travel agents to arrange a return flight to the UK when he was attacked and robbed.

Of course the shits who mugged him took his passport airline ticket cash credit cards and watch. He suffered some injuries for which he received medical attention but our main concern is that he has a heart condition. The police were very helpful if not just a little surprised that something like this could happen in Larnaca in broad day light with plenty of people around did everything they could to help him including making sure that he received emergency travel documents.

The muggers were Cypriot not Pontians or any of the other groups who normally get the blame and my Cypriot brother-in-law, a refugee from Famagusta has vowed never to return.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:28 am

No one claimed muggings and all that dont happen. Additionally just because it happen to someone we know doesnt mean they happen every day. I hope your brother in law gets through this ok with his heart condition and stuff. Is he going to be able to go home soon?Have they at least found his passport?
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Postby jazzy1 » Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:19 am

Thats awful.
Hope he is ok, It doesnt matter where you are I guess, shit still happens!!
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:30 pm

it sure does....
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Postby rotate » Fri Mar 17, 2006 1:30 am

My brother-in-law is OK and back in the UK, passport etc still missing police believe the passport and credit cards have probably been sold on by now.

No muggings are thankfully not common in Cyprus which made it all the more traumatic for my brother-in-law, if it had happened in the UK (it hasn't) where he has lived since 1975 he probably would not have been as shocked as he is now.

Sad to see someone who regarded coming here two or three times a year as a chance to 'live' for a couple of weeks so utterly demoralised by a couple of thugs.
As he said to me 'first some bastard forces me from my home in 74 and now some more bastards rob me in the street, its finished I'm not coming back'. My brother-in-law has three children in the UK each married with a couple of kids a piece who regularly visit Cyprus and who now regard the country as unsafe, so thats fourteen people who will no longer come here as tourists albeit home grown tourists. Add a few non Cypriot friends and neighbours and the figure of lost revenue tourists starts to increase.

My own experience of Larnaca's criminal element has left a sour taste and if I had not been fortunate in being able to relocate to somewhere else within the RoC I together with my Cypriot wife would have gone elswhere. This in turn would have meant that our overseas extended families and friends would have stopped coming here. No great loss, possibly not but add my brother-in-laws family and friends and you are looking at something like one aircraft load of tourists less a year.
If they were a bunch of free loaders looking to stay with relatives here then it might not be so bad but they dont, most stay in hotels so the revenue loss increases. So far I've only written about my brother-in-law and myself, just two people! Imagine the effect if the reputation of Cyprus as a safe destination was lost!

Cause + Effect + Perception = Shit Happens!
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Postby aidy » Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:58 pm

All i can say on this matter is hmmm. are you guys on some planet where you expect everywhere to be super safe??? Unfortunatly this is not the world we live in.

OK, there is crime in Cyprus, but it is on a much much much less scale than the rest of Europe. My family and i have just moved over here, living in ypsonas. In the UK, my wife wouldn't go out at night, my daughter i feared every second for her safety. Now, the total opposite.

yes, i am sorry to hear about your brother, but i would be more surprised to hear he has not been a victim of some crime or scam in the UK.

Going back to the car 'gangsta' wannabes. for anyone in the UK, it is basically a bunch of lads on a cruise, and they only usually circle the same short route where the tourists go in Larnaca. Very popular from where i am from, Cheshire cruise used to have a monday night special on car parks where they pose their rides.

Just a few lads posing in their daddys payed for car.

no issue.
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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:15 pm

Hey they are not Snoop doggies.They are the mob ala Corleone style.
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Postby AlexeyS » Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:44 pm

aidy wrote:OK, there is crime in Cyprus, but it is on a much much much less scale than the rest of Europe. My family and i have just moved over here, living in ypsonas.

Same here. The main reason I moved to Cyprus is low crime level.

In the UK, my wife wouldn't go out at night, my daughter i feared every second for her safety. Now, the total opposite.

I thought UK is low crime country. :shock:
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Postby aidy » Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:24 pm

uk a low crime country?? not really, lots of violance due to binge drinking, car crimes (theft, breakings, or simply driving offences) quite high, especially the latter.

More and more 'gang' scenes by the day, not as safe as it used to be to walk the streets at night, especially dark areas ie. parks etc. to many happy slappy gangs, or groups of teenagers around the shops getting drunk on cheap cider and trying to take on the world.

granted there are worse places, but the main difference seems to be that the police don't really do a lot about the major crimes, but focus on smaller ones, ie. driving offences.

a friend got his broken into in the UK, took the police nearly 8 hours to attend. Get a vehicle stolen or something from your garden etc. all you get is a reference number to present to your insurance. no visit, no interest.

To be fair, most of this behavior depends on where you live in England, but unfortunatly it seems to be getting worse by the day and spreading fast.

Sad thing is that I saw most of it in the early stages and fear that Cyprus will become a similar place in years to come. Please don't let this happen. Parents, take an interest in where your kids are at night, and what they are doing. Unlike the parents of the kids that were lighting gas canisters and fireworks and throwing them in the road in the Kolossi area last weekend.
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