by Bananiot » Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:57 am
Accepting the plan as is, is another ploy employed by Papadopoulos when he wants to attack his political opponents. As is, the plan is dead and buried. It was rejected by a landslide. Akel, commanding almost 35% of the vote, said the plan offered the basis for a good and comprehensive solution provided certain changes are made regarding the security aspect and ways to implement it. Many voters from other parties, especially DISI, who rejected it in April, are ready to accept it in a new referendum, provided these changes are incorporated into the plan. Also, things have moved on since last April. More aspects of the plan may need to be discussed and some of these aspects may not be in our favour. Do not forget, the other side has interests too.
Papadopoulos does not want to hear about the plan. You said it yourself and I agreed with you. He wants the TC's to return to the RoC. This isn't just wishfull thinking but it's also dangerous because the more we delay the closer we get to partition. Since Papadopoulos is not stupid, I conclude that he prefers partition rather than any plan (does not matter how good it is) that bases the solution on bizonal, bicommunal federation. To me its plain obvious and I know many people who openly say this and I respect their view even if I disagree with it totally. At least they are honest about it.