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New Detailed Cyprus Report blames T-Pap

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:55 pm

LIES, LIES, LIES ALL BLOODY LIES. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Yes Turks have divided the island for the security of the TC's and there were casulties suffered on both sides but not the figures you are claiming.

Anyway at the end of the day, you souldn't have started something you clearly were not capable of finishing. 8)
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:22 pm

Which are the "lies" mrfromng? The fact that the Turks have commited 100 times more crimes against Greek Cypriots and they are looking for excuses to commit even more?

And what exactly we started? The Turks not only have commited 100 times more crimes, they are in fact the ones who started it as well.

Throughout the period of Venetian rule, Ottoman Turks raided and attacked at will. In 1489, the first year of Venetian control, Turks attacked the Karpas Peninsula, pillaging and taking captives to be sold into slavery. In 1539 the Turkish fleet attacked and destroyed Limassol. Fearing the ever-expanding Ottoman Empire, the Venetians had fortified Famagusta, Nicosia, and Kyrenia, but most other cities were easy prey.

In the summer of 1570, the Turks struck again, but this time with a full-scale invasion rather than a raid. About 60,000 troops, including cavalry and artillery, under the command of Lala Mustafa Pasha landed unopposed near Limassol on July 2, 1570, and laid siege to Nicosia. In an orgy of victory on the day that the city fell--September 9, 1570--20,000 Nicosians were put to death, and every church, public building, and palace was looted. ... CID+cy0017)

So how did we "started it"?

Yes, among the centuries and decades of oppression and crimes against us there was a tiny bit of history that GCs have commited crimes against Turks as well.

However when we are ready to forgive you for the 99% of history and your 100 times more crimes that you commited against us, why do you keep using that 1% of history as an excuse to continue your crimes and illegalities against us?
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:43 pm

Hello all Greek members. Can somebody please explain to Piratis about the events of 63 and 74. Explain to this innocent young Greek about EOKA and the desire of the Greeks for ENOSIS and the ethnic cleansing of the Turks.

I will not bother with him as I have no time for those living in denial.
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Postby tcklim » Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:48 pm

Why does every single thread turn into the exact same thing as every other.....stop copyin and pasting people its so dull. Drop the past, move on, stop being greedy..... face the facts for f's sake
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:56 pm

I know the events of 63. The intercommuncal conflict lasted for aabout decade (most conflicts ended in 1968) with both sides having some 100s casualties each.

You argument about 63-74 in fact supports my argument. All you have to accuse GCs about is one decade were you lost some 100s of people (and you even forget that during the same period we lost some 100s as well).

So if we can forgive you about 1570-1878 (3 centuries were Turks oppressed and killed 10s of thousands of GCs), 1963-1974 (100s of GCs that were killed by TC extremists) and 1974-2006 (3 decades were Turks killed 6000 and ethnically cleansed 200.000), then why you can not forgive us for 1963-1974 and the some 100s of casulaties that you had? Because you want to use that tiny part of history for yet more crimes against us?
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:00 pm

Why does every single thread turn into the exact same thing as every other.....stop copyin and pasting people its so dull. Drop the past, move on, stop being greedy..... face the facts for f's sake

This is what I always said. Lets leave the past behind and lets finally accept a solution that will bring legality, peace, human rights and democracy to all Cypriots without any kind of racist discriminations.

Unfortunately some continue to selectively use the past as excuse to continue their crimes and illegalities and demand human right violations and racist discriminations.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:02 pm


I believe the majority of Turks (including myself) have indeed forgiven you for those terrible events. Is this not evident from the yes vote at the time of the referendum?
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Postby eracles » Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:25 pm

mrfromng wrote:Piratis,

I believe the majority of Turks (including myself) have indeed forgiven you for those terrible events. Is this not evident from the yes vote at the time of the referendum?

no, the referendum was not a hug of forgiveness from tc to gc, there were many factors why the tc's voted yes, forgiveness was not one of them. lets not BS each other.
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Crisis Group report denounced as shockingly pro-Turkish

Postby Sotos » Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:38 pm

Crisis Group report denounced as shockingly pro-Turkish

Turkey and TCs praised for

Annan Plan acceptance

A REPORT by the "International Crisis Group" (ICG) on the Cyprus situation in Cyprus was denounced as completely biased, pro-Turkish and as such inconsequential and unacceptable by Government Spokesman George Lillikas and other Greek Cypriot personalities yesterday.

The report entitled `The Cyprus Stalemate: What Next?' which was presented in Nicosia on Wednesday, cites President Tassos Papadopoulos as the main obstacle to a Cyprus settlement.

Its main theme is that the controversial Annan Plan, which was overwhelmingly rejected by the Greek Cypriots in the 2004 referendum, "represents the only feasible basis for a reunification solution," and praises Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots for accepting it in a their separate referendum.

The 30-page report analyses the situation in a way that absolves Turkey completely of any blame for its continuing occupation of north Cyprus (something it studiously avoids mentioning) and its consequences.

No reference to

UN resolutions

It also avoids any reference to the ethnic cleansing of the Greek Cypriot population of the north, the gross violations of the human rights of the displaced Greek Cypriot refugees, and to the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights.

These found Turkey guilty, repeatedly ordering it to allow the refugees to return and to regain their usurped properties This is something restricted by the Annan Plan which is so strongly backed by the IGC report.

IGC also avoids any reference to the numerous UN resolutions that demand the reunification of the island, the unconditional return of the refugees, the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation troops and the tens of thousands of mainland settlers introduced to the occupied north in violation of the Geneva Conventions. These resolutions brand the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state illegal and a vassal state of Turkey and urge the international community to have nothing to do with it. Despite this the IGC report's other main thrust is for and ending to the ``isolation'' of the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state as a reward for its acceptance of the Annan Plan.

It is as if this acceptance by itself automatically nullifies the judgements of the Rights Court and the UN resolutions, legitimising the breakaway state and all the other illegal consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation. Indeed the report argues that ``the 2004 vote in the north for reunification has invalidated the political logic of isolation.''

In connection with the settlers the report says their influx continues and warns that this increases the risk of the Turkish Cypriots "becoming a minority in their own part of the island," taking it for granted that the north belongs to them and not to the people of Cyprus as a whole!

While pushing hard on the "isolation" issue the report avoids reference to the substantial financial gain of the economy of the north resulting from the income of the thousands of Turkish Cypriots crossing to work in the south, of the government pension payments to the north and free medical aid.

It also avoids explaining that the "isolation," where it exists, is brought on as much by the breakaway state itself which insists on being treated as an equal with the Cyprus government. This insistence prompted it to reject EU aid of 120m euros, insisting this should be paid to it direct and not through the Cyprus government!

Criticism of


In its determination to blame President Papadopoulos, the report ignores his repeated statements that a Cyprus settlement must be firmly based on the relevant UN resolutions, respect for Human Rights, the judgements of the Rights Court, and, following the accession of Cyprus to the European Union, compliance with the EU aquis, or basic EU principles.

These fundamental demands are also ignored by the Annan Plan and this was one of the main reasons for its overwhelming rejection by the Greek Cypriots in the 2004 referendum.

It is for these reasons, among others, that the plan was accepted in the separate Turkish Cypriot referendum whose outcome was determined by the participation of the illegal Turkish mainland settlers who had every reason to vote `Yes,' since the plan legitimises their stay in the island.

The report states bluntly that "the most substantial blockage of such an agreement (based on the Annan Plan) is now the policy and attitude of the Greek Cypriot leadership and in particular of President Tassos Papadopoulos."

It charges that President Papadopoulos "does not seem to have any inclination, or coherent strategy on how, to get reunification back on track, and the prospects of achieving it look bleak."

The report rejects the conclusions of the Annan-Papadopoulos Paris meeting last month as inconsequential. It declares that this ended with "no indication of serious re-engagement by the Greek Cypriot side."

This contrasts glaringly with the view of the US Ambassador to Cyprus Ronald Schlicher who, during a visit to Limassol this week, described the outcome of the Paris meeting as a major breakthrough in the settlement efforts.

In its staunch support of the Annan Plan, the report quotes people backing it but avoids any parallel reference to the many prominent international critics, including eminent jurists, who maintain it is so flawed, and pro-Turkish, as to be unacceptable.

'We gave Cyprus to Turkey

in form of the Annan Plan'

In this respect, it is worth recalling the blunt public admission by a senior United States State Department official, who summed up the situation by declaring in public that "we gave Cyprus to Turkey in the form of the Annan Plan."

Report excerpts and comments

THE report is too long to reproduce in full. Here are some of its key points, glaring inconsistencies and recommendations (with page reference):

1 - The report refers to Turkey's right to intervene militarily under the Treaty of Guarantee following the 1974 coup by the Greek junta. But it avoids clarifying that this right was strictly aimed at restoring the constitutional order, not to occupy the north, expel the Greek Cypriot population and eventually proclaim a breakaway state.

4 - Reference to ``143,000 Turkish Cypriots going to the polls'' in the 1974 referendum, without specifying that this figure included the illegal mainland settlers who had every reason to vote `Yes," and who outnumbered the native voters as claimed by Turkish Cypriots themselves.

7 - Saying that that "Claims that the Annan Plan violated EU law and the European Convention of Human Rights are overstated." This in effect admits that rights are violated, but sidelines the natural expectation that any violations must cease, and not be condoned.

7 - "Complaints about the Annan Plan's toleration of the continued presence of Turkish troops are overstated ... Complete demilitarisation of the island was unattainable in the context of the 1960 constitutional treaties, which were not in question in the 2004 referendum.'' It is strange that the report justifies the presence of the Turkish troops under the 1960 treaties, but ignored all the other provisions of the same treaties which are also ignored by the Annan Plan.

7 - The report argues that the Greek Cypriots should have voted yes in the referendum ``so that many refugees could return home, rather than `no' so that none could return.'' The `No' vote was precisely because the Annan Plan did not allow all the refugees to return, as demanded by UN resolutions and international law.

13 - In a remarkable piece of advice to the Greek Cypriots, the report says that "if they are worried about the Turkish Cypriots seeking recognition, they should call their presumed bluff and accept the Annan Plan."

20 - In an even more remarkable passage, the report makes a brief comment that unwittingly reveals the main obstacle to a settlement all these years. The comment says that following its accession to the EU Cyprus is using this to increase pressure on Turkey. But it then adds that "it is most improbable that any Turkey government now or in the future could afford to give up Cyprus for the sake of EU membership." This is clearly an admission that Turkey intends to maintain its hold on Cyprus no matter what.

Threat of secession

is repeated

Taking this further, the report in effect warns that if the EU rejects Turkey's full membership, then "Turkey's incentives to seek accommodation with anyone in the EU, let alone the Cyprus government, would greatly diminish, and the likelihood of a push for TRNC secession would accordingly increase.''

21 - The threat of secession is also repeated in a reference to the likelihood of the rejection of an agreed solution in a second referendum. In such a case "the two communities could then be granted the option of separate self-determination by the international community."

28 - The report argues that following the accession of Cyprus to the EU, "the EU has become part and parcel of the conflict and cannot credibly undertake a mediating role: this will remain the responsibility of the UN." But the EU should assist in ``the economic development and European integration of northern Cyprus and contribute constructively to the much-abused `European solution' slogan on the island.'' It should also increase bilateral contacts with Turkish Cypriot politicians and maintain ``constant pressure on the Greek Cypriot government to moderate its intransigence.''

29 - The EU, the US and other states should open branch offices in the north.

Expanding on this, the report says one option that could be considered, "if international impatience with the Greek Cypriots became very strong," would be for the UN to decide that a Cyprus delegation would only be seated if it included representations from both communities.

Other intergovernmental institutions such as the Council of Europe "could follow suit." If Cyprus refused, the report says, this would "open the way for the separate international political representation of the Turkish Cypriots, with all that would imply."
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