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2 more stars, and I tell [b]you[/b] to serve the big macs!

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2 more stars, and I tell [b]you[/b] to serve the big macs!

Postby pumpernickle » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:34 pm

So if I carry on posting my prose of wit and ingenuity, I'll end up getting 5 stars and being the kingpin of this outfit?

Serious though, do tell me? Can I get 5 stars, and if so, will I:

a) be able to serve up fries and milkshakes as well as my amazing intellect on a verbal platter

b) somehow by default become a moderator? Thus sharing the smoking room with admin, and giving pirateus a piece of my mind along with a plastic cup full of rank coffee and a morning coffee frou frou biscuit?

c) will I get paid?

d) can I get to ban people? And if so, can I accept bribes to not ban people (the good old fashioned cypriot way?)

e) Will i get discount vouchers for cabarets, and somehow use this to engineer my longstanding hatred of the illegal inhumane sex industry by stealing into the girls' changing rooms dressed as Gladys the invisible tea mermaid and let them out via the fire exit?

all good.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:15 am

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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:26 pm

andri_cy wrote:WHOA

That is generally the response most people have when they encounter The Pumpernickle. I understand.

It's hard being me.
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Postby Rickers » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:27 pm

These days, it's hard being anybody . . . . . . . .
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:14 pm

Well quite.

Although being incredibly intelligent does tend to lend extra weight to the burden of brilliance I currently possess.

I urge all cyprus forumers to aquiesce to my demands, and pour forth adoration, love and more importantly money, to the one known as Pumpernickle. See my thread in the classified section for more details.
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Postby Michael » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:51 pm

pumpernickle wrote:Well quite.

Although being incredibly intelligent does tend to lend extra weight to the burden of brilliance I currently possess.

I urge all cyprus forumers to aquiesce to my demands, and pour forth adoration, love and more importantly money, to the one known as Pumpernickle. See my thread in the classified section for more details.

I don’t think your acting out Baby Jane, you are Baby Jane! Anyway, stop your pathetic soliloquy in front of that cracked mirror, and serve up the budgie to your sister. And take that bloody makeup off, no Turkey boy likes an old hag. Well, then again??
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:54 pm

How dare you!!!...........I just noticed you have three stars instead of two.

What is the world coming to.

I worked hard for those stars, and this imposter comes along and equals the rank.

Damn you.

if you worked for macdonalds, I bet you'd steal several bags of french fries after your shift at 6pm, and go home and brag about it to your cousins.

A man has to have pride in his work is suppose. Now get flippin them burgers! Or else I'll report you to Svetlana and you'll be on toilet cleanin duty.
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Postby Michael » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:01 pm

You’re "camping" it up again. Are you incapable of writing a response without the words MINCER jumping out? I would stay clear of the Iranian discussion boards if I were you. That’s unless you enjoy being thrown off cliff tops.
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:11 pm

Its just you who reads my posts as being camp michael, which says much about your homo erotic tendencies I am afraid.

but not to worry old chap.

keep it up!
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm

pumpernickle wrote:How dare you!!!...........I just noticed you have three stars instead of two.

What is the world coming to.

I worked hard for those stars, and this imposter comes along and equals the rank.

Damn you.

if you worked for macdonalds, I bet you'd steal several bags of french fries after your shift at 6pm, and go home and brag about it to your cousins.

A man has to have pride in his work is suppose. Now get flippin them burgers! Or else I'll report you to Svetlana and you'll be on toilet cleanin duty.

ummmm no he would just share the fries with his cousins. they dont care where they came from.
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