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Importing a Hybrid Car!!

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Importing a Hybrid Car!!

Postby davidp » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:16 pm

My brother-in-law is moving to Cyprus and is looking to import his electric/petrol hybrid car.
All duties and vat has been paid in the UK and the car is registered in the UK

I know the subject has been done to death for normal cars but this car is a hybrid with the following spec.
Honda Civic IMA
Registered in 2004
Mileage 8000km

Any suggestions whether this car could be brought to Cyprus without him selling his soul to the goverment?

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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:25 pm

i know people who have imported cars:

their stories? bureaucratic hell on this side of the transactional fence. The cypriot civil service is so utterly inept and lazy, it is going to cost you thousands in medical costs to treat you for stress after it's all said and done.

money saving: in most cases, and by the sounds of this car, due to engine size etc, you'll save yourself about 500 or so quid. But is it worth the hassle? hmmm.....not so sure. But, if you are working to a budget, then you may want to bite the bullet and hope it all goes as smooth as it can go.

Sorry if i sound discouraging, but having been out here some time now, I can safely assert two things:
1) never expect anything in Cyprus to go/run smoothly, to plan or normally.
2) the cypriots could f**k up a cup of coffee if given half a moment.

my best wishes to you

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Postby davidp » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:39 pm

Hi Pumpernickle, how can you be so cynical about this beautiful country.

All you need to succeed is money, friends, contacts, more money and... hopefully be related to a government official; which if you are Cypriot goes without saying.

:) :)
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:49 pm


true. sometimes the cynic in me gets the better, specially after a long day.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:14 pm

pumpernickel is right – even though the car has a small engine and therefore shouldn’t attract too much duty I would see this as a bureaucratic nightmare.

Example: When I came here we bought a duty free Pajero – the paperwork to get it registered on Cypriot plates took weeks and cost hundreds in various fees.

Even though they were processing Pajeros every day I had to prove that it was a 4WD vehicle. How - quite simple actually, jack up the front wheels and drive across a garage then jack up the rear wheels and drive back the other way. Why – because they could and had nothing better to do than waste my time and money.
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Postby Mikros » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:19 pm

Unortunately soooooooooooo true.....
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:18 am

pumpernickel do you dislike cypriots? Or is it a love/hate relationship?
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