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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby brother » Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:37 pm

o.k lets get over this and start to communicate again as these sort of debates serve no gain to anyone. :)
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Postby MicAtCyp » Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:01 pm

When the woman cried out "isn't there anyone to help" she meant isn't there any "human"? And obviously there wasn't. WE ARE ALL GUILTY. Barbarism has no nationality. Given the chance among any Nation there are Barbarians who will express themselves. Even in the most civilised nations, go to Scandinavia and you will hear a lot about the barbarosity of the Vikings...

Now back to our discussion on EU part 2

Insan wrote: And this is what T-Pap and his supporters have been expecting since the day
they applied to join EU. A Germany like unification. Is it possible in Cyprus? Moreover will TCs and Turkey ever accept a unification like this? Surely NO!

It's not a matter of accepting.When you see it coming what can you do?Either you let it happen or you negotiate a better deal before it comes! In my opinion both events have 50-50 chance.

And why a Germany like unification is not possible? Germany was a Federation before that it remained a Federation after that. Still the ex-DDR is one of the Federal parts !!
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Postby brother » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:54 pm

Now that was a fair assesment of mankind of the past can we the children of today prepare a better world for our children of the future.

All we need for a solution is the will of the leaders who at the moment are playing games on both sides because of the power they have got.
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