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Differences between Greek and Turkish Cypriots

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Michael » Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:50 pm

pumpernickle wrote:I think there are only cultural differences between the two, and maybe some physical differences, but they are both alike. I like the Turk Cyps, lovely people.

I like the Turk Cyps, lovely people

Tell us something we do know about your tastes!
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:00 pm

not to mention that language was not a difference beore 1974.

to be honest , i am studying in germany, and i believe that i can much easier get along with a turk, or a tcs than with a german. even our stuborness is the same :wink:
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Postby Michael » Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:40 pm

cypezokyli wrote:not to mention that language was not a difference beore 1974.

to be honest , i am studying in germany, and i believe that i can much easier get along with a turk, or a tcs than with a german. even our stuborness is the same :wink:

Why do persist with this lie. You’re so desperate for this inclusivety that your brain has stop thinking and your eyes have transformed into just peep holes in your head.
Turks and Greek Cypriots have absolutely nothing in common. I have seen the Turks of Germany and in many other European capitals and they are as alien to the Germans, French, and Dutch as they are to us. Why in gods name are we, and the rest of Europe always at loggerheads with them. We come from diametrically opposing ends of the cultural and racial spectrum. No amount of glib one liners of stubbornness, with a smiley face, changes that.
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:33 pm

because, when i visited the north, i never payed for anything. a german will most of the times pay only for what he drunk. bc when i had germans visiting me in cyprus, afterwards they wanted to pay me for my hospitality - sth that both we and the tcs take as an offence.
bc, i spend the weekend at tc, whom i travelled 8 hours to meet - and i never met him before. while a german, would take him ages to invite you at his place.
bc, when we sing , we know what merak(i) is, while germans hardly ever sing at the table.
bc, when we dance karcilama, clap our fingers and say aide, or opa, i dont need to transalte it... i know that we can understand each other.
bc, when i changed city in germany, i had two germans taking me two my new room. they were polite but left me alone after 10 minutes. then by accident i met a turk from instambul, and he spontaneously showed me around in the new city, and invited me to his party the same night. such spontaneous moves, you dont find in germans.

i am honestly wondering if you ever met germans or turks...
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Postby Michael » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:57 pm

This is a world that exists in the ultra liberal wooliness of student common room. It is obvious that no light of reality will disturb that Greek Turkish Shangri-La that resides in that mind of yours. You would sacrifice our Christian Hellenic heritage for some notion, again which only lives in that excitable mind of yours, of a Cypriot. Can you not grasp the fact that we are Greeks that inhabit an island called Cyprus?
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Postby Simon » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:01 pm

we are Greeks that inhabit an island called Cyprus?

Michael, I have to agree with you here.
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:28 pm

bc a german would never come and punch you in the face bc you r staring at him...while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc a german sitting behing a stiring wheel repsects the law and the people around him.....while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc you are unlikely to be terrified from the brother of your girlfriend,..while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc when germans marry, invite only the close relatives and friends,..while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...) are likely not to knwo half of he people in their wedding
bc, when there is a queue the german will patiently wait for his turn..while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc, the german state is not totally efficient but the word rousfet is not in their daily vocabulary..while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc a german father will have no problem marrying his daughter with a turk or a greek, ..while the cypriots (gcs and tcs...)
bc, i am really wondering if you ever met germans or the word you are afraid to utter C Y P R I O T S
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:29 pm

Michael wrote:This is a world that exists in the ultra liberal wooliness of student common room. It is obvious that no light of reality will disturb that Greek Turkish Shangri-La that resides in that mind of yours. You would sacrifice our Christian Hellenic heritage for some notion, again which only lives in that excitable mind of yours, of a Cypriot. Can you not grasp the fact that we are Greeks that inhabit an island called Cyprus?

have you known your history, just a bit...i mean just a bit, you would have known that christian - helenic culture is a paradox.
there is a chaotic difference between the two.
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:30 pm

oh, no bias there then, from the man with the greek flag fluttering aimiably underneath his name.

Sorry, I'm not sure what they teach you in 'istoria', but it certainly aint an accurate portrayal of history or facts.

Greek Cypriots are not Greek. Look at it simply.

Look at a Greek from Greece, then look at a 'greek' from Cyprus.
Two utterly different beings. One is clean looking, quite blonde on occasion, and vaguely balkan looking.

The other looks like he's about to pocket 30 pieces of silver and disappear with a wench and a bedouin tent tucked discreetly under his odourous armpit. You are not greeks, more like arabs. And right husky looking brutes at that.

Another way of telling this is the propesity for greek cypriots to tell the truth. I.e. No propensity whatsoever.
Bloody hell, why don't you resurrect Isambard Kingdom Brunel and get him to build a bridge between Larnaca and Kuwait. A nice little stepping stone to the real cypriot ancestry.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:14 pm

Michael, the ones you met are Turks, not Turkish Cypriots. Greek and Turkish Cypriots have about the same genetic mix. Racial purity exists only in some lost tribes somewhere in the Amazon forest.

What makes one Greek or Turk is his language and culture, not the genes. Even most Turks from Turkey don't look much like the original Turks that came from Asia.

Apart from language and religion I would say that education is also a difference between GCs and TCs. Each side is taught different things. 30 years of Denctash ruling and the continues rule of the Turkish military obviously had an effect on Turkish Cypriots over the last 32 years.

cypezokyli, I wouldn't say that your comparison is very successful. Germans must be among the most cold people in the world (no offense). If you were using another mediterranean nation (e.g. Italians) then the contrast would not be so sharp.

pumpernickle, you obviously have some issues with Cypriots and you keep offending us. My guess is that you came here making no single effort to adjust yourself to the way of life in Cyprus. Instead you prefer Cyprus to adjust to you, and because this doesn't happen you get pissed.
Instead of your racist comments why don't you go back to the UK were you obviously fit better?
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