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Sattelite Broadband

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Sattelite Broadband

Postby maewing » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:00 am

Hi, I am also wondering whether it is possible to get sattelite service in places like Lefkara (which would carry both broadband and TV) and whether anyone knows the names/web addresses of providers?

I have serached but most of the internet providers use phone lines.

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Postby nhowarth » Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:26 pm

Hi Maewing,

A pal of mine in Choletria has satellite broadband internet and satellite TV. I'll see if I can get details for you. BTW, the broadband service is separate from his satellite TV - he has two dishes.

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Postby Sotos » Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:19 pm

You can get satellite broadband and TV but I am not sure if you can get both with one dish and one subscription. Satellite broadband is very expensive by the way... Check this thread out:
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Postby maewing » Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:56 pm

Thanks folks. It does sound expensive, but I will need it for my business. I occasionally need to send large files. Are there good internet cafes? (its probably worth a drive once every two weeks to send it if we're talking cyp1000 just for the dish).
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Re: Sattelite Broadband

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:42 pm

maewing wrote:Hi, I am also wondering whether it is possible to get sattelite service in places like Lefkara


I can tell you everything you need to know about satellite broadband or check out my web site here: -

The up-front costs are expensive but you can share the connections with neighbours or even whole communities!

The system works all over Cyprus and has over 40,000 subscribers across Europe although we don't offer a 'same dish' TV option.
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Postby maewing » Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:03 am

Thanks! It IS expensive. On occasion I need to send files that are 3 to 4MB. Would these be handled at high speed or would it be the "gradual slowdown to dialup" that someone mentioned in another stream?

If others share the disk, would it slow down the speed if we all chose to use it at the same time?

How far away could the neighbors be? I wll be living in Pano Lefkara in the old town, but I have friends in the newer part, closer to the center.

Finally, is web TV (that is, through the computer) an option?

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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:50 am


Yes, it is quite expensive but the technology is incredibly sophisticated and bandwidth on a satellite is as you can imagine quite expensive to buy.

No, you’ll find our system is always significantly faster than dial-up and 3/4MB files absolutely fly through it!

Hughes (the satellite service provider) does have a ‘fair access policy’ which prevents you abusing the system by downloading huge files (DVD’s, CD’s, etc.). They do this by decreasing the speed of the connection if you exceed your ‘daily volume allowance’ but even then it never gets slower than 56K so you do in effect have unlimited access. In normal use (web browsing sending/receiving e-mails, etc.) you will never see a restriction.

Our higher end services have no download limits and if you sign up to our Business 2000 service or above we can offer you free hardware.

You can share the system among as many people as you like but you will need to choose a suitable air-time package. Multiple users downloading Microsoft’s latest upgrades ads up to a considerable amount of volume!

Your neighbours can in theory be up to thirty miles away but in practice using off-the-shelf wireless hardware ‘hops’ of up to 1½Km are practical.

Yes, web TV is an option but you’d need to keep an eye on that daily volume allowance. If you sign up on our ‘Home Surfer’ package and spend all day watching TV you are likely to exceed your limit and find yourself downloading your 3MB files at 56K! Our higher-end services as I mentioned earlier have no limits.
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