I really don't understand why they don't.
I have never witnessed anything like it in all the countries I've visited. Such unabashed, unashamed, dispicable treatment of wives and mothers.
(ok, I've not experienced the dizzy depths of muslim societies - outside of london anyway - so maybe i am not fit to comment so extensively, but)
Wherever I go, I see bashed up eastern european women being solicited or taken out for prelim drinks by adulterous sleazy hairy greek fellas. It's a sickening sight.
It's like a scene from Pretty Woman, except more often than not, there's nothing pretty about the public appearances of these people. And it's not the women's fault, they are exploited, and the poor wives back at home! and the children, left dazed and confused in broken, distaught families where the men are allowed to take the utter piss unchallenged.
It's about time that women joined forces in cyprus and just said 'enough is enough' and basically boycott these wanker greek men.
a) just refuse to have sex with them
b) use the european courts to take them to the cleaners, get custody over the kids and bugger off. see how they like that.
c) put an ad in the paper with picture evidence and show them up for the losers they are.
the illegal and immoral sex industry and sexploitation in cyprus is at a critical point and must be challenged.
End excessive greek cypriot patriarchy NOW!