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Postby vge » Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:45 am

unique_earthling wrote:Are you fijian? ...And if you are friendless. could perhaps your inappropriacy have anything to do with it..

No, I am not Fijian. I only lived there for 2 years, and that is where I got sick (the second year).

I do have friends, and I can also meet new ones, but I am resting to regain health for the time being. In fact, I went to a dance club in Fiji during the second year and met some people there before I moved back. Coincidentally, I rented a 3 bedroom apartment in Fiji right next door to one of the bartenders. I told him what the Hare Krishnas had done and he offered to find me a much better woman. I am sure if I had not gotten sick, I would have met someone!

Don't worry about me too much, I am just glad that you have read my letter. The whole thing makes me look bad -- I would rather have good news to tell you about, and usually that would have been the case. I am sure this all happened not because of any fault of mine, but rather because of the malicious intent of some Hare Krishnas.

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Postby twinkle » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:14 am

Whack job..... nuff said!
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Postby vge » Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:37 am

Good news. I am healthy again after 18 months. I visited the doctor in June and took several blood tests. All were negative, including HIV and Syphilis. The doctor said, "Whatever infection you had is gone now, leaving only a rash." No medicine or antibiotics were necessary, and within a few days the rash also was gone. Now I can proudly say that, although it took 18 months, I have finally healed everything without medicine!

That is really great, so now I can reboot my life. I am already figuring out a 2 bedroom apartment and car, after which I will check out some dance clubs for a girlfriend. Maybe then I will finally move to India like I was planning to do 2 years ago.

I still get Hare Krishnas in my head, but don't think even for one minute that I am causing it. I can prove this, because I can clearly identify in most cases exactly who these Hare Krishnas are by name. I would describe it more like ghostly haunting. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, but for someone who doesn't believe in ghosts or someone who is atheist, this may be difficult to understand.

Most of the Hare Krishnas who bother me are somehow connected to the 'rape' which was forced on me in Fiji. The trickster marriage arrangement that appeared good-looking before the marriage, and monsterously ugly and gigantically fat only 2 weeks thereafter. The so-called marriage is now legally dissolved and anulled because it was fraudulent. It was a deceptive trick, it was not legal, and there was no consummation of marriage. Yet, the Hare Krishnas still haunt me.

Just today, Visvanath dasa appeared, looking like a Mafia criminal and overpowering me with the thought of horrendous injustice. Then his father, Jairam dasa appeared, defending Visvanath dasa and the rape he caused by saying "It seemed to us that you have a problem with money." He was implying that they thought I was so poor, they were justified to trick me into marrying a fat woman.

I tried to defend and explain to him but I felt weak and nobody could hear me. They completely ignored every word I said. But honestly, they were wrong. That is, I do not have any problem with money, in fact far opposite. I have an Ivy league degree and my income is high, higher than engineers, and I have the potential to become a millionaire. I also have a lot of savings. So honestly, I am not poor at all! If I did not flaunt this money to Jairam dasa and Visvanath dasa and they have no idea of it, then they misunderstood! For example, I had only just begun work at exactly the time when the rape occured. If they had not done that to me, my income would have soon been a lot more obvious!

Then Jairam dasa menacingly appeared in my head disregarding everything I said and motioning with his hand for money. He said that my description of income means nothing to them, and they care only for how much I donate -- nothing else.

I quickly explained that he should have waited. I had not started working yet, and was only just beginning when they raped me. I did not see any reason to donate before I start working, but I was waiting until after I start. To me that was reasonable, yet they did not wait!

Again Jairam dasa completely ignored me. To him, there was no excuse. Either I donate, or they rape. No exceptions. They would not listen. They would not wait until I start work.

I tried to defend saying how can you attack my income, you do not even earn as much as me! How can you rape me with a fat woman, you never had a girlfriend as good as Linda! Honestly, Linda is better than nearly ever single Hare Krishna female in the entire movement. On top of that, she is also closer to God in her heart than most Hare Krishnas, and that without even being a Hare Krishna!

Again they completely ignored me. It seems like it is useless to try and defend. Only the Hare Krishna attack had an impact. So regardless of the truth, regardless of my high income, and regardless of Linda's beauty, they feel justified to have raped me with a fat woman claiming that "It seemed like you have a problem with money."

It is like I am helpless against this haunting injustice. Yet for 18 months, I lived alone and sick. Definitely the isolation made me vulnerable to their haunting. But, now that I am healthy again, I will meet females and that will change everything. How can Jairam dasa attack me, meanwhile a female is right here by my side? :wink:

Vrindavan dasa
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:33 am

ok!! i am getting scared now.. :cry: :shock:
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Postby Natty » Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:47 am

I'm confused........

Although I'm glad your healthy again! :)

But i'm still confused..... :(
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Postby littlemiss » Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:21 pm

WTF!!!! I m sorry guys but this whole thread is confusing! Who is this? why are they on a Cyprus forum talking about this stuff?? Im sorry but this person sounds a little crazy to me! What advice from us are they looking for? Moderator what are you thinking on this? Especially over these young girls being posted on here wearing next to nothing dancing! Is this persone even connected slightly to cyprus? I know we all wonder off the point sometimes and dont mention cyprus in our posts or replies but this is just weird!!
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:58 am

Wow I thought he had abandoned us. I was finally happy. Now I am just falling into depression once again...
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:14 am

vge, have you thought of writing a book? it seems you have a talent for the narrative, but i do think you need a beginning and an end as i feel your in the middle of something which no one understands.
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Postby vge » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:02 pm

A fat woman is only as bad as the length of time you stay with her. The only solution is to get away as fast as possible.

A fat woman is only desirable to an undesirable man.

Friendship with a fat woman I can accept on occasion, but never marriage. However, too much friendship with a fat woman will kill your reputation.

Fat women are not only physically undesirable, but also emotionally. Only losers will associate with them, and therefore they are losers themselves.

Fat is physically unhealthy. It is like poison that destroys physical, emotional and mental nature.

A fat person will try to fool you to think that you are also undesirable. The only relationship that can exist for a fat person is with a person who is also undesirable, so they will try to fool you to think so.

This happened to me in Fiji, so if you go there watch out for 'trickster fat woman' who pose as skinny. There are poor husbands there that have been fooled by this, thinking they were marrying to a slender woman, and then finding out too late that they were badly fooled. Some of these men have never escaped. These are desirable men who deserve a much better female, but they have been tricked and fooled into a fat one for the rest of their life. They feel they are bound by the virtue of marriage, but remember -- marriage is not legal if you have been tricked by such fraudulent deception. If you have been tricked like this, the most important thing is "DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THE FAT WOMAN". Be careful not to have any children, do not have any sex, and most importantly - desert her as soon as possible. Then the fraudulent marriage can be annulled/dissolved in court due to non-consummation of marriage. The same applies if you were fooled into marrying a person with some physical deformity that you were unaware of prior to the marriage.

I think America does not have such a problem with this. California, Hawaii, and Florida all have excellent slender females, and fat women are thankfully shunned. I think the problem is mostly in Fiji.

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Postby andri_cy » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:05 pm

vge wrote:A fat woman is only as bad as the length of time you stay with her. The only solution is to get away as fast as possible.

A fat woman is only desirable to an undesirable man.

Friendship with a fat woman I can accept on occasion, but never marriage. However, too much friendship with a fat woman will kill your reputation.

Fat women are not only physically undesirable, but also emotionally. Only losers will associate with them, and therefore they are losers themselves.

Fat is physically unhealthy. It is like poison that destroys physical, emotional and mental nature.

A fat person will try to fool you to think that you are also undesirable. The only relationship that can exist for a fat person is with a person who is also undesirable, so they will try to fool you to think so.

This happened to me in Fiji, so if you go there watch out for 'trickster fat woman' who pose as skinny. There are poor husbands there that have been fooled by this, thinking they were marrying to a slender woman, and then finding out too late that they were badly fooled. Some of these men have never escaped. These are desirable men who deserve a much better female, but they have been tricked and fooled into a fat one for the rest of their life. They feel they are bound by the virtue of marriage, but remember -- marriage is not legal if you have been tricked by such fraudulent deception. If you have been tricked like this, the most important thing is "DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THE FAT WOMAN". Be careful not to have any children, do not have any sex, and most importantly - desert her as soon as possible. Then the fraudulent marriage can be annulled/dissolved in court due to non-consummation of marriage. The same applies if you were fooled into marrying a person with some physical deformity that you were unaware of prior to the marriage.

I think America does not have such a problem with this. California, Hawaii, and Florida all have excellent slender females, and fat women are thankfully shunned. I think the problem is mostly in Fiji.


You really need to contact your shrink ASAP for a refill on your drugs. You seem to have been out for a while.
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