Hi Kenneth,i belive there is a little private school behind the main Bank of Cyprus,just opposite the post office,it's a tiny school,next to a cigar shop,you cant miss it.Or like our friend above said,just hit any coffe shop,some beers,a couple of games of backgammon and voila,you learn greek in no time.
I do pick up a lot of words work. Unfortunatly I'm not that good at mingling with people I don't know So I will try to see if I can't find that tiny little school, thanks
Problem with mingling with Cypriots is that you may learn Cypriot words and not the correct Greek words. I undertook classes as Kimon College near the main police station, private 1-1. Then I took 2 terms at Intercollege with a wonderful teacher called Maria Paschalidou. They offer classes 2-3 times a week for an hour or so. Really small groups, around 5-10 people and reasonable prices. They are just off the sea front. I would highly recommend them.