stuballstu wrote:Sotos its my understanding that most GC's who live in former TC's houses look at it as though they are living on borrowed land. Is this right?
From what i gather the government here is looking at issuing title deeds for these properties. Is it not the case that the ROC government has been using the "you will get your land back" line in order to win votes? Sometimes people get told what they'd like to hear and now what is the truth and as we know in the wonderful world of politics when poloticians talk about "economics" it is not making reference to finance but truths.
stuballstu wrote:
There are lots of permutations to the Cyprob and in will continue to have more when it finally comes about. It is not inconveibable that the problems may go on for another 15 years . Say in that time Turkey overcome all sorts of obstacles and enter the EU that Turkish settler has rights as an EU citizen and you cant just throw them off the island. Also from what i understand (maybe someone else can confirm this) to buy property in the North you must have permission to do so from the Turkish authorities similiar to what used to be in the South. If the Turkish authorities give you permission to buy and issue deeds and the property is returned to the GC refugee then you can see another line up of court cases at ECHR. This would cost a lot more money for Turkey than paying compensation to the refugee who at one time had an orchard on it. From what i gather the compensation rate would be the same or a similiar formula that the ROC government use when appropriating property.
wow thats an old old book. I read it when I was 12. Almost made me lose the friends I had ! jk jk
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