To have that you need to have democratic values not try to exterminate another race because they are a from another race. Do you think Cypriots are capable of self government without hanging on to the shirt tails of the Brits, Greeks or Turks. Be real.
I think Cypriots are more than capable. What is needed is a state that would treat all citizens equally without distinction of their race. Other EU countries can be examples. In Cyprus we didn't have more problems and conflicts than the ones that existed in other countries.
The difference is that in the case of Cyprus (and some other countries) stability and unity was not in the interests of the "big ones".
Turkish Cypriots did not get twice as much land as they left behind, that is a myth. A Turkish Cypriot, who has became a friend of mine over the years, had left behind with his brother 110 donums of land in Pahos. His compensation 6 donums in Lapithos. There will be some instances of TC's receiving more land but these are few and far between. The Turkish military have control over vast amounts of lands in the north not Turkish Cypriot people or individuals. If you go to the north you will see for yourself.
I accept what you say. However there are examples that show the opposite, TCs that took much more land than what they left behind. So maybe this is not the rule with all TCs but something that happened with many of them.
Repeatedly you and many other GC's call only British property buyers in the North thieves and crooks. You completely ommit the fact that your fellow Cypriots sell off the lands for anyone to buy regardless of race, colour or creed to buy not just British. You want TC's to be together with GC's and forget that they are selling off lands but call only British, crooks and thieves. Sounds hypocritical.
All that buy GC land in occupied areas are crooks regardless of their race. I am 100% clear with this. I guess you got a bit confused because we have some British that "bought" land in the occupied areas in this forum and therefore sometimes we talk to them directly.
As I said already TCs don't have the right to sell GC land, it is illegal. However we are not as harsh with TCs because they are involved in the Cyprus problem either they like it or not. On the other hand a foreigner can very easily stay clear and avoid getting involved in our problem. Those foreigners that buy GC land in the occupied areas do it for a sole reason: to profit from the misery of our refugees. This makes them different from TCs.
If i tell you that i you will accuse me of being biased.
I will tell you from now that you are biased

The reason I ask is just to see what kind of interest you have in the Cyprus problem. If you are a Cypriot then you are involved in the Cyprus problem either you like it or not. If you are not Cypriot, then your interest in the Cyprus might be just academical, or you might have a special interest and need a specific outcome for personal benefit (e.g. like balaka and rawk who have invested in stolen Greek Cypriot property).
Perhaps then you should change your terminology then to the "Barbaric Turkish Army" rather than "Barbaric Turks". Just because you know what you are referring to doesnt mean that everyone else does.
Ok. I will try to be more clear next time, although I think I am when you see that phrase in context.
As for the dead can you please clarify in one sentence you say within days they killed 20000 and the next sentence it was 6000.
20,000 was the number of people killed within days in Nicosia alone when Turks first came to the island (1571). 6000 is the number of people killed by the Turkish invasion of 1974.
Regardless of the numbers and without sounding cold, killings are a part of war. People die in wars, sometimes of horrible deaths. It is difficult, however can you name me an actual war when no one was killed?
This can not justify it though. Otherwise we would also have to justify Hitler as well.
So you wouldn't sacrafice for the opportunity of a new beginning for Cyprus? One of the obsticles in Cyprus is Cypriots always want to know whats in it for them. Your decision is based on you and not the good of your fellow countrymen, your children and your childrens children. How can the problems be solved if no one wants to sacrifice anything?
I don't see how the new beginning can be the violations of human rights and legalization of ethnic cleansing. My decision is exactly based on the good of my fellow countrymen, my children and my childrens children. I want a normal democratic Cyprus like all other EU countries for all Cypriots and for our children. In fact I am from Limassol and personally I didn't loose property from the Turkish invasion.
It will take many years and generations for TC's to trust GC's. Dont forget some GC's backed by Greece tried to exterminate them.
I agree, but the opposite is also needed: TCs to gain the support of GCs. If you believe that GCs tried to exterminate TCs because TCs had some 100s of victims, then you can say that Turks have in fact exterminated many GCs by killing 10s of thousands of people and ethnically cleansing 200.000. This is one of your points that show your bias that I talked above.
Also do not forget that while very few GCs talk about the nationalistic dream of enosis now, the majority of T|Cs still talks about their nationalistic dream of partition. So even here the TCs have more work to do.
However I agree that things can not change from one day to the next. This is why in the past I had suggested long transitional periods were the final result will be the one united democratic Cyprus.