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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby stuballstu » Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:05 pm

Sotos and Andri

Thanks for your clarification on your definition of Crook. I take anyone else who is not British is a "crook" also.

What about the people who sell these lands to the developers are they also crooks? What i mean by that is the TC who has lost his lands in the South, got land in the North and been economically surpressed through no fault of his own for 30 years decides to sell the land he is living on. Is he a crook? Or is it just the "British" because in Cyprus its always someone elses fault isnt it?


I think you mis read what i asked so I'll repeat the question for you.


your answer

My proposal is for a united democratic country, without racist discriminations but with the equal respect for all languages, religions and differences between the Cypriot people.

Even Stevie Wonder could see that this will never happen. Hasnt it been tried before and didnt work then? whats changed?

If you really want what you say in your above quote, why do you feel to go on about those "Barbaric Turks". You cant say on one hand you want peace and have respect for all languages, religions and differences between Cypriot people and also repeatedly convey a hatred for Turks which could be mis construed as rascist.

Let me ask you this, if you could give up everything you had in the North and in return you had the opportunity to be involved in the harvesting of a new united Cyprus which met all of your criteria would you take that opportunity?
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Postby bakala » Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:16 pm


If this forum is ever going to progress the Greek Cypriots and more importantly the Greeks must understand that Neither the Turks or the Turkish Cypriots will under any circumstances allow a situation where the events prior to 1974 could be repeated.

Any Political situation that is open to negotiation cannot include the Greeks or the Greek Cypriot political leaders having influence or power over any Turkish Cypriot. They allowed it once and faced oblivion because of it,
If the Turkish landings had not occurred there would be no Cyprus problem today because there would be no Cyprus only a satellite island of Greater Greece.

The Greek Cypriot politicians had the chance pre 74 to establish and maintain an Independent Cyprus for Cypriots and they buggered it up, the cost in Cypriot Lives both Turkish and Greek was horrendous, and what was the aim? So the power mongers who ruled from Greece could have another bit of land.

The fragile trust between the Turkish and Greek Cypriots was broken, not by the Turks or the Turkish Cypriots but by the minority of Greek Cypriots who backed Enosis and the Greek Politicians who pulled the strings.

Any deal brokered where the Greek Cypriots were in a position to usurp power and turn it against its own people again. Would be to invite disaster.

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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:35 pm

bakala excuse me but.... honestly, i cannot find a single sentence that does not need any kind of revision
could you clarify some points ? :roll: :roll:

If this forum is ever going to progress the Greek Cypriots and more importantly the Greeks must understand that Neither the Turks or the Turkish Cypriots will under any circumstances allow a situation where the events prior to 1974 could be repeated.

who and under what circumstances claimed sth like that.
would you be kind enough to post it ?

Any Political situation that is open to negotiation cannot include the Greeks or the Greek Cypriot political leaders having influence or power over any Turkish Cypriot. They allowed it once and faced oblivion because of it,

with which gcs have you been discussing and he mentioned the inclusion of greek politicians having any kind of powers in cyprus , let aside power of the tcs ?
i challange you to find me such a post.
or else admit that what you say is pure propaganda...
proove it if you can :wink:

second, the principle of BBF which we also agreed upon means by definition that no gc will have power over the tcs

If the Turkish landings had not occurred there would be no Cyprus problem today because there would be no Cyprus only a satellite island of Greater Greece.

really things so ?
are you aware that some people did resist the coup ?

The Greek Cypriot politicians had the chance pre 74 to establish and maintain an Independent Cyprus for Cypriots and they buggered it up, the cost in Cypriot Lives both Turkish and Greek was horrendous, and what was the aim? So the power mongers who ruled from Greece could have another bit of land.

in most places where there was a conflict in history (that is if you ever read any..) it usually takes two to blow it up :wink:
i do not disagree that our politicians failed to be generous , and made huge mistakes in that period. but , your one sided view of history is amazing.
how about i write the gc mistakes during that period and you write the tcs ones ? how many would you find ?

The fragile trust between the Turkish and Greek Cypriots was broken, not by the Turks or the Turkish Cypriots but by the minority of Greek Cypriots who backed Enosis and the Greek Politicians who pulled the strings.

i will not refer again to the one sided approach. i will ask the simple question : could you give me one name of those greek politicians ? just one.... and make sure it is a politician :wink:

Any deal brokered where the Greek Cypriots were in a position to usurp power and turn it against its own people again. Would be to invite disaster.

in general these forums are here for gcs and tcs to discuss about possible ideas for the future. i know that most of the times we do not do that, but instead we are stuck on the past.
but when thats the opinion you have for gcs , why do you waste your time discussing with them ?
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Postby bakala » Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:54 pm

At the time of and just preceding the attempted Coup the whole of the political structure of the Island was dominated by greek cypriots, All turkish Cypriot representation in the political structure dissapeared
Any Greek Cypriot who protested openly against Enosis was either killed or taken into cutody to be re educated with a blowlamp and a pair of pliars.

as for your comment that the conflicts in history take two to blow it up is a bit missleading ever heard of a guy called Adolf , or Sadam . or Milosovitch

It only takes one power crazy idiot to start a war,

ever notice how the guys at the top who start all this conflict are miles away from where the dirty fighting happens
The Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots died in their thousands resisting Enoisis.

enough have died and its obvious that a future settlement wont include a single goverment over the whole island
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:02 pm

stuballstu, where are you from and what is your involvement with Cyprus?

What about the people who sell these lands to the developers are they also crooks?

Nobody has the right to sell those lands. Period.

What i mean by that is the TC who has lost his lands in the South, got land in the North and been economically surpressed through no fault of his own for 30 years decides to sell the land he is living on. Is he a crook? Or is it just the "British" because in Cyprus its always someone elses fault isnt it?

If a Greek Cypriot went against the law and illegally sold TC land in the free areas to foreigners he would also be a crook. This would be the case even if the GC was the one who was forced against his will to abandon his home.
The TCs that more than willingly moved to the occupied areas so they would receive twice as much than what they left behind do not have the right to sell land that does not belong to them either.
Those TCs that do not support the occupation and the illegalities are also victims, like GCs, of the illegal Turkish occupation. The solution for them is not "selling" GC land, but demanding the liberation of Cyprus from the foreign occupation so all people would have their rights and lands back.

Hasnt it been tried before and didnt work then? whats changed?

No it has never been tried. Even the constitution that was given to us by the British discriminated and separated Cypriots based on their race.
What I propose is what exists in all other democratic countries in the world: One democratic country were all people are equal citizens without racist discriminations. If this is what is sensible for UK, Turkey all EU countries etc, then why it is not sensible for Cyprus?

If you really want what you say in your above quote, why do you feel to go on about those "Barbaric Turks". You cant say on one hand you want peace and have respect for all languages, religions and differences between Cypriot people and also repeatedly convey a hatred for Turks which could be mis construed as rascist.

If you go long time ago when I talked about "barbaric turks" you will see that I was referring to specific barbaric turks and not to Turks as a race. How would you call those Turks that when they first took Nicosia they butchered within days 20,000 people and destroyed everything they could? Civilized? How would you call those parts of the Turkish army that had invaded Cyprus in 1974 and not only killed 6000 people within days but also raped several and often underage girls?
I was referring to those Turks who some people unfortunately continue to support their actions today. There are barbarian Greeks as well, the difference is that we have condemned the actions of those barbarian Greeks and many of them were jailed. When will Turks do the same?

Let me ask you this, if you could give up everything you had in the North and in return you had the opportunity to be involved in the harvesting of a new united Cyprus which met all of your criteria would you take that opportunity?

How exactly would my criteria be met without the respect of human rights and the return of the land to the legal owners?
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Postby bakala » Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:08 pm

How about a united Cyprus all lands returned and a goverment run by Turkish Cypriots only ?
would that be ok ?
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:11 pm

How about a united Cyprus all lands returned and a goverment run by Turkish Cypriots only ?
would that be ok ?

How about democracy instead? Or you are not familiar with this term?

Actually there was a period of about 3 whole centuries that the minority undemocratically ruled Cyprus. Don't you think we can finally have democracy like all other democratic countries?
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Postby stuballstu » Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:54 pm

Piratis, where do i start?

How about democracy instead? Or you are not familiar with this term?

Actually there was a period of about 3 whole centuries that the minority undemocratically ruled Cyprus. Don't you think we can finally have democracy like all other democratic countries?

To have that you need to have democratic values not try to exterminate another race because they are a from another race. Do you think Cypriots are capable of self government without hanging on to the shirt tails of the Brits, Greeks or Turks. Be real.

If a Greek Cypriot went against the law and illegally sold TC land in the free areas to foreigners he would also be a crook. This would be the case even if the GC was the one who was forced against his will to abandon his home.
The TCs that more than willingly moved to the occupied areas so they would receive twice as much than what they left behind do not have the right to sell land that does not belong to them either.
Those TCs that do not support the occupation and the illegalities are also victims, like GCs, of the illegal Turkish occupation. The solution for them is not "selling" GC land, but demanding the liberation of Cyprus from the foreign occupation so all people would have their rights and lands back.

Turkish Cypriots did not get twice as much land as they left behind, that is a myth. A Turkish Cypriot, who has became a friend of mine over the years, had left behind with his brother 110 donums of land in Pahos. His compensation 6 donums in Lapithos. There will be some instances of TC's receiving more land but these are few and far between. The Turkish military have control over vast amounts of lands in the north not Turkish Cypriot people or individuals. If you go to the north you will see for yourself.

Repeatedly you and many other GC's call only British property buyers in the North thieves and crooks. You completely ommit the fact that your fellow Cypriots sell off the lands for anyone to buy regardless of race, colour or creed to buy not just British. You want TC's to be together with GC's and forget that they are selling off lands but call only British, crooks and thieves. Sounds hypocritical.

stuballstu, where are you from and what is your involvement with Cyprus?

If i tell you that i you will accuse me of being biased. I am neither Cypriot or English. My interest in Cyprus is that i live on the island, I am treated well by all Cypriots i meet, i enjoy living here and hope that the islands problems get sorted in order that true "Cypriots" can at last be free

If you go long time ago when I talked about "barbaric turks" you will see that I was referring to specific barbaric turks and not to Turks as a race. How would you call those Turks that when they first took Nicosia they butchered within days 20,000 people and destroyed everything they could? Civilized? How would you call those parts of the Turkish army that had invaded Cyprus in 1974 and not only killed 6000 people within days but also raped several and often underage girls?
I was referring to those Turks who some people unfortunately continue to support their actions today. There are barbarian Greeks as well, the difference is that we have condemned the actions of those barbarian Greeks and many of them were jailed. When will Turks do the same?

Perhaps then you should change your terminology then to the "Barbaric Turkish Army" rather than "Barbaric Turks". Just because you know what you are referring to doesnt mean that everyone else does.

And for the record if Turkish troops are guilty of rape etc they do not deserve jail, imho castration is justified prior to stoning, but hey thats a different arguement. As for the dead can you please clarify in one sentence you say within days they killed 20000 and the next sentence it was 6000. Regardless of the numbers and without sounding cold, killings are a part of war. People die in wars, sometimes of horrible deaths. It is difficult, however can you name me an actual war when no one was killed?

Let me ask you this, if you could give up everything you had in the North and in return you had the opportunity to be involved in the harvesting of a new united Cyprus which met all of your criteria would you take that opportunity?

How exactly would my criteria be met without the respect of human rights and the return of the land to the legal owners?

So you wouldn't sacrafice for the opportunity of a new beginning for Cyprus? One of the obsticles in Cyprus is Cypriots always want to know whats in it for them. Your decision is based on you and not the good of your fellow countrymen, your children and your childrens children. How can the problems be solved if no one wants to sacrifice anything?

No it has never been tried. Even the constitution that was given to us by the British discriminated and separated Cypriots based on their race.
What I propose is what exists in all other democratic countries in the world: One democratic country were all people are equal citizens without racist discriminations. If this is what is sensible for UK, Turkey all EU countries etc, then why it is not sensible for Cyprus?

It will take many years and generations for TC's to trust GC's. Dont forget some GC's backed by Greece tried to exterminate them. Trust takes time. Just because GC's say "its ok you can come back now, we dont want to be part of Greece anymore"
Dont expect a rush over the green line they scars of pre 74 have not healed yet in the same way you scars from 74 have not healed yet.
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Postby bakala » Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:30 am


i think you made a number of very fair points there mate i couldnt have done it better myself
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Postby bakala » Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:42 am


Give me one good reason why the Turkish Cypriots should allow anyone else to interfere in their politics.
The Turkish Cypriots have survived 14 years of being treated like an irritation by the Greek Cypriot run Government. That then got pissed off so much they tried to wipe them out.
After 74 they were safe in the north part of the Island and have survived over 30 years of embargo instigated by the very people who tried to annihilate them.
The sympathy of the world is swinging in favour of the Turkish Cypriots now and recognition is only a matter of when not if ,

The embargo is becoming more fragile daily and the Greek Cypriots and Greeks are in daily fear of the first plane flying direct from the USA, Israel, or Britain.
Richard Branson owner of Virgin Airlines Has already declared the intention to run routes to the North at the first opportunity

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