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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:08 pm

You mean you would have let them out of the Enclaves they were driven into ?
what would you have done about the over hundreds of Turkish Cypriot farms and villages either stolen or burned down ?

You are liar. Nothing surprising for a criminal like you of course.

The intercommunal conflict were some 100s of both TCs and GCs got killed was from 1963 until 1968. After 1968 TCs came out of the enclaves that were ordered by Turkey to go, and the armed conflict was mostly over. No TC village was "stolen" as you claim. TCs own the 100% of their own property until today.

So stop trying to find excuses. In Cyprus there was an illegal coup like the ones that happened in so many other countries including Turkey.
Turkey used this coup as an excuse to illegally occupy Cyprus, with the excuse of protecting the Turkish minority. Just like the Nazis invaded Chehoslovakia with the excuse of protecting the German minority there.

Now you, like a genuine Nazi human rights violations supporter, is rushing into the occupied areas to take advantage of the misery of our refugees and steal what was forcefully and illegally taken from them.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:26 pm

Yes Piratis, we are all liars. In fact anybody in disagreement with you is a liar. You are pathetic. Please give up your "moderator" status, you haven't got a clue.
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Postby bakala » Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:47 pm


what do all those troop movements tell you ?
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Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:55 pm

mrfromng, please learn some history before calling me a liar. All you know to do is copy paste Turkish propaganda. You are clueless therefore you are not in a position to judge me.

It is a simple fact that the Turks have killed 10s of thousands of GCs since the day they set their foot on Cyprus, yet they use the some 100s of TCs that got killed as an excuse for yet more crimes and illegalities against us. Do you disagree with that? Come on mr know it all. Tell us. Will you now claim that TCs are the Virgin Marries and GCs the evils that deserve even more crimes and human rights violations against them?
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Postby bakala » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:13 pm



Claiming that Only hundreds of Tcs were killed so it was not a crime, is like the girl claiming to be a" little bit pregnant " or the thief caught in the act saying i was only borrowing it , i was going to pay it back,

The political situation prior to 74 with Gcs and Tcs supposedly running the coutry together required each side to stick to the 1960 agreement. when the repeated efforts to force enosis on the reluctant population of Cyprus reached the point where the trust between Turkey and greece broke down and became strained to the limit

there was only ever going to become one outcome and that was that someone would have to move in and enforce the 1960 agreement which specificaly forbade either enosis or annexation to Turkey or any other state but complete independance,

Turkey repeatedly kept threatening to land troops to enofrce the 1960 agreement for years, in 1974 they ran out of patience, It was the refusal of the greeks to obey the terms 1960 agreement and the ethnic cleansing of the Tcs that forced them to put troops on the island

The fact that Britain acted too slow and allowed the Turkish Forces to land alone only allowed Turkey to do the dirty work alone. If Britain had acted quicker and landed at the same time as Turkey, the Turkish advance south maybe wouldnt have happend, then the Turkish landings would have been applauded all over the world.

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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:15 pm

Bakala, are we just wasting our time with these people or what? They seem to be so blinkered and/or brainwashed it is beyond belief. I sometime wonder if it is worth discussing anything at all with them.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:27 pm

I never said the killing of some 100s is not a crime. What I said is that the killing of 10s of thousands is obviously a much bigger crime. Therefore how can Turks claim that the violation of our human rights today is justified because of our crimes in the past when they have committed 100 times more crimes against us?

In 1960 some GCs continued to want enosis and some TCs continued to want partition. Why do you see only one side of the story? For you the actions of Greece are not acceptable, while the actions of Turkey which tried, as you admitted, to partition Cyprus several times before 1974, are OK.

So cut the excuses. Republic of Cyprus is an independent sovereign country part of which is illegally occupied by Turkey. "trnc", "shitrnc" or whatever you want to call the puppet state that the Turks installed in the occupied part of Cyprus is illegal and will remain that way until northern Cyprus is liberated from the foreign invaders.
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Postby bakala » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:54 pm


its like listening to the same old record with the needle stuck, they cant see forward or back.
They are so brianwashed they refuse to accept any evidence no matter how strong that they started it , they had repeated warnings to stop and carried on , and when they still carried on they ended up getting the arsekicking they deserved and had their marbles taken off them. when they were seting up and instigating the plan to kick a minority of their own people off the island or kill them they refused to obey international law international law thy refused to listen to for years when they were winning against defenceless civilians , they now have the cheek to invoke against the evil Turkish Cypriots they tried to wipe out.

To be Honest MRfromng I feel sorry for them. they are so indoctrinated with the " we are innocent victims of the evil Turks " they refuse to believe any avidence to the contrary.

Greece decided on the first partition of the country, they drove the Turkish Minority into enclaves, that had no contact with each other or contact with the outside world. that was the way Greece decided to partition the island, so dont accuse the turks of being the first to attempt partition.

and your claim that the hundreds of Tcs that were killed didnt justify the turks killing thousands is like hitler saying the few europeans they killed didnt justify Britain Bombing german citys. Once you take aggressive actions against people, there are no rules anymore, you had better win, and you didnt, thats what realy pissses you off

The greek goverment backed Cypriot Goverment prior to 1974 took a gamble to aoccupy the whole island they lost the war and half the island . They are the ones who started it not the ordinary greek or Turkich Cypriots. so Vent your spleen on the real culprits Greece and the power hungry polititions that used the Greek cypriot people like pawns so they could maintain their power

You are like the gambler that bets all his money on a loosing horse then goes back to the bookies and asks for his money back.

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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:01 pm

Bakala, you rock man. :D :D :D
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Postby bakala » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:10 pm


Its true mate
if the Turks were wrong to stop the intended genocide against the Turkish Cypriots , then the allied landings in Normandy were wrong.

The military intervention to stop the Serbs massacring the Bosnian Islamic minority was wrong,

And if turkey decided to attack and overrun Greece tomorrow, then by their rules everyone should stand back and let it happen

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