Hi bakala
Did you post on the North Cyprus Biz site on 06/03/06?
Let me spell it out for you as i think you are missing something which is very important. South of the Green Line is called the Republic of Cyprus you are correct it doesn't say anything in the name which suggests any link to Greece. So why do you call yourself Greek Cypriot??? You are a Cypriot, first and foremost, all be it with Greek routes which i'm sure to assume the Greek part was many generations ago in your family.
The Northern part of the island is as we all know is called the Turkish Repubic of Northern Cyprus. This does make reference to the Turkish Cypriot Heritage of people who live there. It is not disguised in any way.
There is absolutely no mention whatsover in just the word "cypriots".
Until generations become known as "cypriots" the problems on this island will continue.
I have only ever seen these flags in the UK outside foreign embassies, at sporting events when the country is visiting ie Cricket matches or at religous sights pertininent to that respective country.
So why is the Greek flag flown at the crossing at Ledra, which part of Greece is that? The Turkish flag is flown at the Turkish side because the northern part could not survive without Turkey and all thought they claim independence we all know that they are not really independent. BTW I also dont agree with the flying of the Turkish flag however even you and many others tell the world that part of you island is under occupation by Turkey. What part of the Island is under the occupation of Greece?
Can you see the difference? If not i'll try and explain it in simplistic terms.
The simple flying of flags is important, if memory serves me correct it was also part of the Annan plan that the flags of Turkey and Greece were not to be flown. It has a huge visual impact and pschological effect on the people who see it. The result is that Cypriots feel more Turkish or Greek than they do Cypriot.
If you look at any Cypriots you will see thier passports say "Republic of Cyprus" not Greece not Turkey. This is what your identity is. Cypriots do suffer from an identity problem which is fundamentally the one of the biggest problems of the Island.
Let me spell it out for you as i think you are missing something which is very important. South of the Green Line is called the Republic of Cyprus you are correct it doesn't say anything in the name which suggests any link to Greece. So why do you call yourself Greek Cypriot??? You are a Cypriot, first and foremost, all be it with Greek routes which i'm sure to assume the Greek part was many generations ago in your family.
The Northern part of the island is as we all know is called the Turkish Repubic of Northern Cyprus. This does make reference to the Turkish Cypriot Heritage of people who live there. It is not disguised in any way.
There is absolutely no mention whatsover in just the word "cypriots".
Until generations become known as "cypriots" the problems on this island will continue.
I have only ever seen these flags in the UK outside foreign embassies, at sporting events when the country is visiting ie Cricket matches or at religous sights pertininent to that respective country.
So why is the Greek flag flown at the crossing at Ledra, which part of Greece is that? The Turkish flag is flown at the Turkish side because the northern part could not survive without Turkey and all thought they claim independence we all know that they are not really independent. BTW I also dont agree with the flying of the Turkish flag however even you and many others tell the world that part of you island is under occupation by Turkey. What part of the Island is under the occupation of Greece?
Can you see the difference? If not i'll try and explain it in simplistic terms.
The simple flying of flags is important, if memory serves me correct it was also part of the Annan plan that the flags of Turkey and Greece were not to be flown. It has a huge visual impact and pschological effect on the people who see it. The result is that Cypriots feel more Turkish or Greek than they do Cypriot.
If you look at any Cypriots you will see thier passports say "Republic of Cyprus" not Greece not Turkey. This is what your identity is. Cypriots do suffer from an identity problem which is fundamentally the one of the biggest problems of the Island.
Firstly, the RoC represents the whole island and not 'the south.' We call ourselves Greek Cypriot because that is what we are. I'm sorry but that isn't going to change, not for me anyway. I am a Greek Cypriot because I talk Greek, my religion is Greek Orthodox and my culture and past is and was influenced by being Greek. I'm not going to change this, and I do not need to, to reach a solution. For example, look at Canada, that country's ethnic make-up states that 28% are of British origin and 26% (or something around there) is of French origin. They often call themselves British or French Canadians. But that does not lead them into a civil war does it? No, but why? Because they are mature enough to know their differences, but also to respect each other and feel patriotic and united, why? Because they are still both Canadian. This is how it can be on Cyprus aswell. Our differences enrich us as I have said before. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same. We don't have to forget our differences, or I don't have to forget the Greek part in Greek Cypriot, nor does Eric Dayi for example, have to forget the Turkish part in Turkish Cypriot. All that we need is for each side to respect each other's right to live in Cyprus as Cypriots, whether Greek or Turkish, and to respect human rights, the rule of law and proportional governance. Do you agree therefore that for the TCs to feel Cypriot, they should argue against the 'TRNC,' which makes reference to a Turkish state and come back to the RoC, which makes no mention of ethnicity. I do not buy the argument that they are afraid of what happened last time etc etc. I honestly feel this is an excuse by most to continue the illegalities. Greek Cypriots also heavily suffered last time, do you think we want a repeat? There is no military junta, no EOKA, no planned coup, so what is there to keep us separate anymore. 99% of people accept that enosis will never happen and I'm positive that the 1% who do will certainly not jeopardise new agreements made between GCs and TCs if they are fair - so there is no reason for the occupation to continue in my opinion.
ave you ever thought that the Greek flag is flow there, perhaps out of defiance. Think about it, the Turkish army invade Cyprus, kick all GCs out of the north and call the North Turkish. So what the hell do you expect our response to be. We will obviously turn to Greece and play up being Greek, because mainland Turkey (the origin of TCs) have invaded our country. The Turkish flag is not flown simply because Turkey financially supports the 'TRNC', this is nonsense. They are flown because they feel Turkish, as the name of their state suggests - again you seem very biased on this issue. You have not considered the settlers. Only 45,000 of people living in the north are actually TCs. All the others are settlers, and they are and feel as Turkish as it gets. This is another stumbling block to the promotion of purely Cypriot, which you have not considered, as you are just considering the flags issue, which is not as important as many other issues which prevent us feeling Cypriot first. We are not under occupation from Greece, but while the Turkish army is there, it is obvious that we will try to include Greece as much as possible while the Turkish army is here. Isn't this common-sense? So again, I say, how can we forget about being Greek Cypriot when the TCs call their state 'Turkish.' The answer is we can't - because this works both ways.
My eyes are open and so are my ears its just a pity that a lot of GC's choose not to open their eyes or ears and are blinded by selfishness and self rightousness.Quote:
If you look at any Cypriots you will see thier passports say "Republic of Cyprus" not Greece not Turkey. This is what your identity is. Cypriots do suffer from an identity problem which is fundamentally the one of the biggest problems of the Island.
I think you are missing the point. While the North is called Turkish, we will call ourselves Greek more, won't we? This is obvious, because this is like a retialiation towards the 'TRNC.' We cannot promote being Cypriot, until the TCs do the same. Otherwise, it is useless. Think of it this way, if all sides agreed on permanent partition, do you think the RoC will continue to be called the RoC. I don't. I think it will change its name to the Greek Republic of Cyprus (GRC). This can be avoided, the first step could be we promote being Cypriot as you say, by the TCs removing the Turkish part in their state's name. Second step could be TCs demanding the Turkish army leave. Then GCs can stop Greek interference in the Cypriot National Guard. Then we are rid of most major interferences. This could be the first steps to promote Cypriotness. Only after this could we consider the flags, because the other problems are much bigger.
So its a one of these my dads willie is bigger than your dads willie things is it? They call themselves Turkish and in return you call yourself .......oh thats right Greek even though none of your island is part of Greece or occupied by Greece. Makes sense eh?
Cant you see that is the problem. You are not Greek, you may think you feel Greek but even the Greeks dont think you are Greek. The Turkish Cypriots are not Turkish, they know this. They dont feel Turkish, however as time goes on the feel more Turkish than Cypriot. Even TC's are not happy with settlers. In their own words they say that these people are "Different"
You will have more in common with TCs than you do Greek people and the TC's have more in common with GC's than they do Turkish people. Just because you speak Greek, and are Greek Orthodox church that is the only thing you have in common with a mainland Greek.
Here is a suggestion
If GC's and TC's can put aside their differences. Why not have a joint education system which educates Cypriots all the same? Have mixed schools were Greek, Turkish and English is taught. As these children grow up they grow up to respect each other and each others existence and culture. There friends will be from both sides but to them that becomes irrelevant. Then there maybe hope for Cyprus in the future.
Firstly, the RoC represents the whole island and not 'the south.' We call ourselves Greek Cypriot because that is what we are. I'm sorry but that isn't going to change, not for me anyway. I am a Greek Cypriot because I talk Greek, my religion is Greek Orthodox and my culture and past is and was influenced by being Greek. I'm not going to change this, and I do not need to, to reach a solution. For example, look at Canada, that country's ethnic make-up states that 28% are of British origin and 26% (or something around there) is of French origin. They often call themselves British or French Canadians. But that does not lead them into a civil war does it? No, but why? Because they are mature enough to know their differences, but also to respect each other and feel patriotic and united, why? Because they are still both Canadian. This is how it can be on Cyprus aswell. Our differences enrich us as I have said before. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same. We don't have to forget our differences, or I don't have to forget the Greek part in Greek Cypriot, nor does Eric Dayi for example, have to forget the Turkish part in Turkish Cypriot. All that we need is for each side to respect each other's right to live in Cyprus as Cypriots, whether Greek or Turkish, and to respect human rights, the rule of law and proportional governance. Do you agree therefore that for the TCs to feel Cypriot, they should argue against the 'TRNC,' which makes reference to a Turkish state and come back to the RoC, which makes no mention of ethnicity. I do not buy the argument that they are afraid of what happened last time etc etc. I honestly feel this is an excuse by most to continue the illegalities. Greek Cypriots also heavily suffered last time, do you think we want a repeat? There is no military junta, no EOKA, no planned coup, so what is there to keep us separate anymore. 99% of people accept that enosis will never happen and I'm positive that the 1% who do will certainly not jeopardise new agreements made between GCs and TCs if they are fair - so there is no reason for the occupation to continue in my opinion.
[/quote]Have you ever thought that the Greek flag is flow there, perhaps out of defiance. Think about it, the Turkish army invade Cyprus, kick all GCs out of the north and call the North Turkish. So what the hell do you expect our response to be. We will obviously turn to Greece and play up being Greek, because mainland Turkey (the origin of TCs) have invaded our country. The Turkish flag is not flown simply because Turkey financially supports the 'TRNC', this is nonsense. They are flown because they feel Turkish, as the name of their state suggests - again you seem very biased on this issue. You have not considered the settlers. Only 45,000 of people living in the north are actually TCs. All the others are settlers, and they are and feel as Turkish as it gets. This is another stumbling block to the promotion of purely Cypriot, which you have not considered, as you are just considering the flags issue, which is not as important as many other issues which prevent us feeling Cypriot first. We are not under occupation from Greece, but while the Turkish army is there, it is obvious that we will try to include Greece as much as possible while the Turkish army is here. Isn't this common-sense? So again, I say, how can we forget about being Greek Cypriot when the TCs call their state 'Turkish.' The answer is we can't - because this works both ways.
I have only ever seen these flags in the UK outside foreign embassies, at sporting events when the country is visiting ie Cricket matches or at religous sights pertininent to that respective country.
You need to open your eyes a bit more then mate, because I see them. I do not take offence when I see them either. It does not mean anything. All it means is that, that individual is proud of his country of origin.
If you look at any Cypriots you will see thier passports say "Republic of Cyprus" not Greece not Turkey. This is what your identity is. Cypriots do suffer from an identity problem which is fundamentally the one of the biggest problems of the Island.
I think you are missing the point. While the North is called Turkish, we will call ourselves Greek more, won't we? This is obvious, because this is like a retialiation towards the 'TRNC.' We cannot promote being Cypriot, until the TCs do the same. Otherwise, it is useless. Think of it this way, if all sides agreed on permanent partition, do you think the RoC will continue to be called the RoC. I don't. I think it will change its name to the Greek Republic of Cyprus (GRC). This can be avoided, the first step could be we promote being Cypriot as you say, by the TCs removing the Turkish part in their state's name. Second step could be TCs demanding the Turkish army leave. Then GCs can stop Greek interference in the Cypriot National Guard. Then we are rid of most major interferences. This could be the first steps to promote Cypriotness. Only after this could we consider the flags, because the other problems are much bigger.
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