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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:27 am

balaka, you refer to something that happened in 1963 as "weeks before the Turkish intervention" of 1974.

Yes, between 1963 and 1968 there was an intercommunal conflict with some 100s of victims by both sides. The invasion however happened in 1974 and the excuse for that was the coup.

Come on, why don't you just admit that you have no clue about the Cyprus problem.
You first took the decision to "buy" Greek Cypriot property in the occupied areas because it was the best deal you could find anywhere (you can't buy stolen land anywhere else) and then you are trying to excuse your decision with lame excuses.

There can be no excuse my friend. Buying Greek Cypriot land in the occupied areas of Cyprus is a criminal offense. When you will face justice go tell them about the events of 1963, that have nothing to do with you, to excuse your crimes in 2006 and lets see if they will take your lame excuses seriously.

Do you think that the Turks used those lame excuses in the case of Titina Loizidou in the European Court of Human Rights?
Guess what the ruling was? Not only to allow her to return to her home but to also pay her 1 million pounds for the decades that they illegally occupied her property.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:35 am

according to you the germans should take the allies to court for invading germany in WW2 ?
or was it ok for them to take over france , poland , holland and bellgium
thats exactly what the GC didm they tried to take over the whole island and kill all the TCs there is no doubt about it

and Nicos samson admitted that if the Turks hadent landed they woluld have killed all the TCs
ill find the press report where he admitted it and post it for you

Greek Cypriots never invaded any other country like the Nazis. The ones that are just like the Nazis are the Turks who invaded and illegally occupy the sovereign Republic of Cyprus. The Turks used the excuse of their minority in cyprus, just like the Nazis used the excuse of their minority to invade Czechoslovakia.

And just like the Nazis, you today are trying to profit from the human rights violations of 100s of thousands of people.

Samson was jailed. The coupists in Greece as well. On the other hand, in Turkey where several coups happened, where they have performed genocide against the Armenians and massacred and oppressed the Kurds for ages, the criminals not only were not jailed but they are still in power and they continue their crimes.
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Postby bakala » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:42 am

bakala, I never defendant the illegal coup in Cyprus. However such coups happened in many other countries, including several in Turkey and they can not be used as an excuse for a full scale invasion and occupation of Cyprus by a foreign country.

No TC was killed by the coupists before the Turkish invasion had started, and this is a historical fact as well. Turkey didn't invade to protect TCs, but to take part of Cyprus for herself. The fact that they insist on occupying part of Cyprus 32 years after those events proves this point.

The Turkish invaders massacred 6000 people, most of which were unarmed civilians, since the Turks were bombing our cities and villages.

So go give your lame excuses elsewhere.
The Turkish occupation is illegal: fact
The "TRNC" is legality invalid: fact
By "buying" GC property in the occupied part of Cyprus you are committing a criminal offense: fact

let me see who was it said no TCs were killed before the Turkish landings
mmm oh yes that was you Piratis ( see above )

there isint a year between 1963 and 1974 that turkish Cypriots werent killed acording to the worlds press
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Postby bakala » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:46 am

as stated in the 1960 agreement signed by Greece Turkey and Britain they all had the right of unilateral intervention
Turkey used that right to protect the beleagered Turkish Cypriots from oblivion

answer my next questioions honestly
if the turkish hadent landed
( 1 ) would there be any Turksih Cypriots alive on cyprus today
(2 ) would enosis have been declared ?
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Postby rolo » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:47 am

Greek Cypriots never invaded any other country like the Nazis

ok replace "countries" with the word villages. Villages which had no warnings, and from which escape routes were cut off.

anyway its all history and it was a civil war, not civil unrest. there were two distinct groups, not an uncontrolled free for all.

lets get round the table and talk about living or at least trying to live in peace again............until, that is, some other wanker comes along and tries to profit out of stiring it up again, cos that wanker will never go away.
Last edited by rolo on Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bakala » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:56 am

Rolo i admire you mate for keeping trying
despite the fact that some people will keep banging on about occupation this and stolen that
lets face it if we accept that the Turks invaded and stole the land so it should be returend to the GCs
why not give it back to the Crusaders or whoever took it before them ?
in all probability. the land issue will be solved by a compensation plan that Turkey has already declared it will pay if such a plan is agreed . however some GCs wont accept that
they will still want all the land and the TCs moving off the island and anything less is unacceptable to them
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:57 am

let me see who was it said no TCs were killed before the Turkish landings

.. by the coupists I said. Are you stupid or you pretent to be?

answer my next questioions honestly
if the turkish hadent landed
( 1 ) would there be any Turksih Cypriots alive on cyprus today
(2 ) would enosis have been declared ?

If your grandmother was a VCR player would you exchange her for a DVD? :roll:

I am talking with facts, not theories my friend. When the coup happened we were in fact fighting against is. Our president was abroad declaring the illegality of the coup and their actions.
If you want my opinion, the coup would collapse if the Americans wanted it to collapse since they were the ones supporting the Greek junta.

Just some hours ago I was watching a documentary about the Suez Canal from Discovery. It shows how the British along with French had arranged for Israel to invade Egypt so they would intervene as the "peace keepers" and take over Suez.
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Postby bakala » Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:00 am

Oh by the way Piratis who the hell do you think you are to assume that i will buy greek Cypriot land anyway ?
you talk as if any land at all bought in the north is illegaly occupied / stolen ect
but that attitude is uderstandable when you consider that you wont settle for anything less than the whole island
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:04 am

why not give it back to the Crusaders or whoever took it before them ?

Yes, Bakala, the Crusades had Cyprus before Greek Cypriots. :roll:

Get some history book and educate yourself a bit.

they will still want all the land and the TCs moving off the island and anything less is unacceptable to them

You are pathetic. You have no arguments and you just say crap. It is called the "Straw man" fallacy:

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position.

In fact we have never asked that TCs should move off the island or anything like that.

What we ask for is simple: legality, democracy, human rights for all Cypriots, no racist discriminations. Do you have anything against my actual positions Mr. Neo Nazi?
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Postby bakala » Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:04 am

Piratis i notice you dont answer direct questions
you always drift off the point and end up back at occupied this and stolen that and your version of history seems to concentrate on 1974 and the turkish landings
are you a person or a tape recording ?
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