What I said was very clear, and it is a
No TC was killed by the coupists before the Turkish invasion had started
Yes, some 100s of TCs and some 100s of GCs were killed during the intercommunal conflict that started in 1963 and had to the most part ended in 1968. And yes, some TCs were killed by the coupists
after the Turkish invasion had started.
If your relatives say that the coupists in 1974 were killing TCs
before the Turkish invasion had started, then yes they are lying.
all this was weeks before the Turkish intervention

Weeks? The coup was on 15th of July, the invasion on 20th of July. What "weeks" are you talking about my friend?
I repeat to you the facts: The coupists did not turn against TCs, but against the GCs that fougth against them. Some TCs were killed by the coupists and EOKA B
after the Turkish invasion had started.
Turkey had the right under the 1960 constitution to intervene unilateraly if there was any outside interference in the independant goverment of Cyprus.
I assume you talk about the treaty of guarantee, not the constitution. Here is the treaty of guarantee:
Nicosia, 16 August 1960
The Republic of Cyprus on one part, and Greece, Turkey, and the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the other part,
I. Considering that the recognition and the maintenance of the independence,
territorial integrity, and security of the Republic of
Cyprus, as establised and regulated by the Basic Articles of its
Constitution, are in their common interest,
II. Desiring to co-operate to ensure respect for the state of affairs
created by that Constitution,
Have agreed as follows:
The Republic of Cyprus undertakes to ensure the maintenance of its independence,
territorial integrity, and security, as well as respect for its Constitution.
It undertakes not to participate, in whole or in part, in any political or
economic union with any State whatsoever. It accordingly declares prohibited
any activity likely to promote, directly or indirectly, either union with
any other State or partition of the Island.
Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, taking note of the undertakings of
the Republic of Cyprus set out in Article I of the present Treaty, recognise
and guarantee the independence, territorial integrity, and security of the
Republic of Cyprus, and also the state of affairs established by the Basic
Articles of its Constitution.
Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom likewise undertake to prohibit, so
far as concern them, any activity aimed at promoting, directly or indirectly,
either union of Cyprus with any other State or partition of the Island.
The Republic of Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey undertake to respect the integrity
of the areas retained under United Kingdom sovereignty at the time of
the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, and guarantee the use and enjoyment
by the United Kingdom of the rights secured to it by the Republic
of Cyprus in accordance with the Treaty concerning the Establishment of the
Republic of Cyprus signed at Nicosia on today's date.
In the event of a breach of the provisions of the present Treaty, Greece, Turkey and the United
Kingdom undertake to consult together with respect to the representations or measure necessary to
ensure observance of those provisions.
In so far as common or concerted action may not prove possible, each of the three guaranteeing
Powers reserves the right to take action with the sole aim of reestablishing the state of affairs created by
the present Treaty.ARTICLE V
The present Treaty shall enter into force on the date of signature. The original texts of the present
Treaty shall be deposited at Nicosia.
The High Contracting Parties shall proceed as soon as possible to the registration of the present Treaty
with the Secretariat of the United Nations, in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United
In witness whereof, the undersigned have signed the present Treaty.
Done at Nicosia, this sixteenth day of August, in English and French, both
texts being equally authoritative.
For the Republic of Cyprus: KYPROU MAKARIOS and FAZIL KUCUK
For Turkey: V. TUREL
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: HUGH FOOT
As you can see, Turkey not only didn't act in accordance with the treaty of guarantee, it grossly violated it, and it keeps violating it for 32 years.
If Turkey had intervened, not to to occupy part of Cyprus, butcher 1000s of innocent and perform ethnic cleansing, but to do what she was supposed to do according to the treaty then we would all celebrate that day together.
notice you didnt comment on the 20.000 greek soldiers
I clearly said that the coup was illegal and in fact most Greek Cypriots were fighting against the coupists. Were did you get the "20.000 Greek soldiers" number?? The Greek junta was behind the coup but a large number of Greek soldiers was never sent in Cyprus in 1974.
Balaka, you can think and have any opinion that you like. What you can not do is commit a crime against us. "Buying" property that belongs to Greek Cypriots in the occupied areas of Cyprus is illegal. This is a
Have your own opinion, say what you want. But you have no right to go against the law. If you do, be prepared for very unpleasant consequences.