has anyone ever stopped to wonder that the incessant references to the Cyorus Problem" merely ingrains into the psyche the notion that there is.....a problem.
But what if there is actually no problem?
What if it's just a bunch of people who think it's a problem and want it to be a problem, but most people are actually fine thank you very much and the status quo will do all just fine. Bye.
Now stop bothering me with your petty politics and non workable ideas.
Half to them, half to the squeaks, no probs.
its all a big mess anyway, the further you go down the road of solving the 'problem'. Title deeds, who owns what, reparations, standing troop numbers, blah blah...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Just leave it.
Finished. Done. Dusted. Enough. Gone. Bye.