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snow already

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snow already

Postby olgaesplai » Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:32 pm

:D i'm from siberia - it's snowing! it's so great! so ...anybody like winter?
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Postby It » Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:31 pm

I am not from Siberia but in my city in Russia there is enough snow in the winter. As I heard it is snowing already sometimes but snow does not stay for long.

In general I do not like winter mostly because you have to wear tons of clothes but what I like is when snow is fresh and white. This is really cool. Also I like when all trees are covered with snow. This is very beautiful.
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Postby brother » Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:38 pm

I like snowball fights and snowmen, and long walks with my wife.
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Postby qazxsw_fr » Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:47 pm

Hello Olga,

are you in cyprus ?
So far here, there is no snow, the weather is still fantastic. I love it.
Please send me email in order to sociolise together, i am in Limassol
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i"m so far!

Postby olgaesplai » Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:22 am

i was in Cyprus,,,but i live in Russia. I've just back from Peterburg to i changed fall for real winter

qazxsw_fr wrote:Hello Olga,

are you in cyprus ?
So far here, there is no snow, the weather is still fantastic. I love it.
Please send me email in order to sociolise together, i am in Limassol
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Postby sneezing7 » Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:47 pm

Quick Question:

When will it start to snow in Cyprus, and where is the best place to go and see it?

Sorry if that sounds ignorant, but i have NEVER seen snow. I am really quite excited about the possibility of finally seeing some!!
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Postby olgaesplai » Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:04 pm

welcome to siberia! here is the best snow in a world! but do you know about siberian winter? it's so cold... :shock:
quote="Manni"]Quick Question:

When will it start to snow in Cyprus , and where is the best place to go and see it?

Sorry if that sounds ignorant, but i have NEVER seen snow. I am really quite excited about the possibility of finally seeing some!![/quote]
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Postby Mono » Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:44 pm

Manni wrote:Quick Question:

When will it start to snow in Cyprus, and where is the best place to go and see it?

Sorry if that sounds ignorant, but i have NEVER seen snow. I am really quite excited about the possibility of finally seeing some!!

Some friends of mine were there in late November several years
ago. They were staying in Pafos but they went with some friends up in the
Troodos to visit some churches but while there they spent some time
playing in the snow.

There is a ski resort on Mt. Olympus but it hadn't opened yet for the
winter when they were there.

Check this site for snow reports:

Hopefully, someone who actually lives there in Cyprus will reply and give you
a better answer.

There's 2 mini cams on that page showing snow but they must be old
pictures from last winter. ...
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Postby sneezing7 » Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:45 pm

Thanks Mono,

Much appreciated!!
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Postby devil » Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:38 pm

The snowfall in Cyprus used to be much more than it is now (climate change?).

In 1952, I had to go to Troodos to install an emergency radio telephone system (annual event) because the telephone lines were usually brought down by the snow. Two of us went up in a Landrover with a canvas top on such a day as this, mid-November, sun shining. We arrived about 9 am and I set up the antenna while my colleague brought in the transmitter and receiver from the car. A few flakes of wet snow started falling about midday and the temperature started to drop. We spent about three hours setting up the equipment indoors in the manual telephone exchange room (no windows) and testing it. We were offered refreshments before leaving. On opening the door at about 16.00 h, we were greeted with a dark sky, a howling blizzard and about 40 cm average snow drifting to over 1 m. The wet snow that had fallen initially had half-thawed then frozen on everything, including the Landrover, forming a layer of ice over a cm thick under the snow. We were in ordinary clothes, but I had a sheepskin waistcoat in the car, which I put on, but I was frozen to the marrow. My colleague, who was the driver, tried to chip the ice off the windscreen, but couldn't. Of course, Landrovers, in those days, had no heaters. The only way we could think of was to get a bucket of boiling water from the kitchen and we put a pound of salt in it. This melted the ice but it reformed immediately, but a softish, mushy ice which we could scrape away. After a few minutes, the windscreen wipers could cope with it and we were able to crawl away in four-wheel drive. It took us two hours of careful driving, myself walking in front of the car, in places, to find the road and occasionally digging out drifts to descend to Kato Amiandos, where the road was more or less clear other than some slush, with sleet falling, although visibility was still very poor. By Kakopetria, it was just torrential rain which continued as far as Astromeritis. By Kokkinotrimithia, it was even dry! I have never felt so cold in all my days, although the temperature was probably only about -10°C, but the winds must have had a hefty wind chill factor and our clothing was ordinary town wear. On the radio (early days of the Cyprus Broadcasting Service), the following morning, they announced Troodos and the surrounding villages were totally cut off with six feet of snow. It took them several days to open the roads. In those days, it was usual to have a good 2 - 3 metres of snow for three months of the year. I have a book of that time with a photo showing skiing on Mt. Olympus under what is obviously about that depth of snow.

I hate snow (I lived in Switzerland for 35 years, so I had more than my ration!)
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