And now petrol giant Haltbakk Bunkers said it would no longer sell fuel to US forces in Norway following the way Zelensky was treated as it declared: “No fuel to Americans.” The Norwegian firm posted on social media: “"We have today been witnesses to the biggest s***how ever presented "live on tv" by the current American president and his vice president.
How very interesting indeed. After the Zalizmenos got kicked out by Tramp, Norway has declared they will not be supplying fuel to the American Army. This must hurt because presumably they were supplying the American army in Europe. Which means now they will have to bring it from elsewhere further afield.
What was really interesting is the difference between Tramp and Biden regarding Ukraine. Whilst Biden thought money spent in Ukraine was the best thing since slice bread, Trump realised that Ukraine was using American money to fight and considering it has been 3 years with no resolution he has the sense to realise it can't go on forever.
What is real shame is the fact that Israel has been doing the same in the middle east and Biden agrees with that and so does Trump. It's like offering alchohol to my SwineCunt friends here and thinking you are doing them a favour.
In mean time Tramps boy decided that there was no need to adhere to the ceasefire agreement they signed up to back in 19th of January, they can just expand the first phase to release all the hostages and then of course there will no need to change anything else.
Unfortunately things are not as simple as that. Vietnam did not get her freedom till Americans were defeated and pulled all their forces out.
Lets see what MBS whispers into Tramps ear.