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Cost of living

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Postby TonyC » Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:09 pm

VOID wrote:ok,mine it's outside of Larnaka,i was wondering that maybe you got ripped off,but thats not the case cuz Pafos is more expensive than other areas.Well than Velkomen till Cypern,Tony.

Thank you my friend. You replied in Swedish, but hey, it's only just across the border and it's not so different from Norwegian. At any rate I'm impressed, not everyone knows these languages, at least not outside of Scandinavia- and of course it's the sentiment that counts. :D
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Postby Kenneth » Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:14 pm

yeah come on my fellow scandinavians, lets drive all those british back to the sea like en year 1000 something :)

let the vikings rule yet again
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Postby VOID » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:09 pm

:D :D

Hej Kenneth(odin)chill out dont grab your sword yet!!!Summer it's on it's way and we need the brits to pump sum money in the cyprus economy.And also we need the new meat for Napa area. :lol: :lol: :wink:

And Tony C i only speak swedish cuz i leved in Goteborg for 10 years or so.Loved Norge,but very expenssive.Anyway glad you are joining us.
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Postby TonyC » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:54 am

For everybody's information, I am a Brit by birth and breeding. Came over to Norway 30-odd years ago but now the cold's got in my bones so the time's approaching to fulfil my dream of spending my declining years in the sun. Still, got some living to do first, so it'll have to be extended holidays to start with. :)
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