by pumpernickle » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:07 pm
crikey!!!! 3,000 euroes, mate, dont speak to anyone out here....they'll take your G'z and be off to the casnos in the occupied north faster than a rabbit gets f****d.
serious. dont be silly. You are looking at around 300 pounds, maybe 350 for a top place per month. it aint that high as much as many agents try and pull a fast one.
cost of living food and other costs wise....fairly high. but if you are the sort of person willing to spend your kind of money on rent, i should imagine you'll be fine!
jobs are scarce though. I think the country is caught between an extreme capitialist dog eat dog wall street kind of world (without the sky scrapers and nice suits) and a weird Brezhnev communist world of massive trade unions, strikes and a bloated incomptenent public sector.
no in between. so pay and conditions are a weird kettle of fish to deal with.
I wish thee and thine family luck and prosperity. all the best.