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Moving for work in Cyprus

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Moving for work in Cyprus

Postby thomas » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:03 pm

Hi to all of you.
I am currently thinking of moving to Cyprus with my wife.
Can anyone inform me about the cost of living in Cyprus?
We plan to live in Limassol.
How much does it cost to rent a house with 3 bedrooms?
Are 2000 Euro enough for a month?
Any answer will be grealty appreciated.

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Postby pumpernickle » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:07 pm

crikey!!!! 3,000 euroes, mate, dont speak to anyone out here....they'll take your G'z and be off to the casnos in the occupied north faster than a rabbit gets f****d.

serious. dont be silly. You are looking at around 300 pounds, maybe 350 for a top place per month. it aint that high as much as many agents try and pull a fast one.

cost of living food and other costs wise....fairly high. but if you are the sort of person willing to spend your kind of money on rent, i should imagine you'll be fine!

jobs are scarce though. I think the country is caught between an extreme capitialist dog eat dog wall street kind of world (without the sky scrapers and nice suits) and a weird Brezhnev communist world of massive trade unions, strikes and a bloated incomptenent public sector.

no in between. so pay and conditions are a weird kettle of fish to deal with.

I wish thee and thine family luck and prosperity. all the best.
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Postby Svetlana » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:32 am

Hi Pumpernickle

It's less than £14,000 a year, which is good but not enough for a millionaire's lifestyle.

Yes, I agree with your interesting comments about the economy here, but the Unions seem to have lost their teeth since the EU tied the hands of politicians (even in Election year!!!).

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Postby TonyC » Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:13 am

pumpernickle wrote:jobs are scarce though. I think the country is caught between an extreme capitialist dog eat dog wall street kind of world (without the sky scrapers and nice suits) and a weird Brezhnev communist world of massive trade unions, strikes and a bloated incomptenent public sector.

If you ask anyone in any European country, I think you'll get the same comments as here. I'm not saying it's true for every country, but it's what people always seem to complain about. :(
Pumpernickle, it looks like Cyprus has really assimilated into the EU! :D
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Postby thomas » Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:34 am

Thank you for your replies.
If my gross salary is about 25000 CYP what will be my net income (after atxes
Could you indicate an amount per/month for a comfortable living in Cyprus? (after searching the forum I think that 350-400 CYP is enough for a good 3 bedroom house)

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