RichardB wrote:And, a happy and prosperous New Year from us also, before the thread is turned into another of Lordo political tirades.
It isn't the politics. Others do (well, used to) that in here. It's the unrelenting misery of the man. He sees nothing good in anything, his efforts being the pouring out of depressing, morose bile every day.
Lordo wrote:Come now ol boy, there is no point discussing politics with the ol intellectually and vertically challenged alcoholic SwineCunrs. Well at leat not while they have the ol cucumber shoved into their dark side. They don't understand no politics no how.
Still struggling with the ole literacy problem then?
That, and the continual obsession with things anal. Do you understand the psychology behind it?
Lordo wrote:While we are at it, finally Starmer implements a slightly socialistic policy and imposes VAT on private school fees. Perhaps he can then move to all the private hospitals who operate as charities and make them charge VAT too. Now there is money maker all on its own.
It isn't about money, it's just old fashioned class warfare. As you say "socialist policy". 144,000 children will now be dumped on the State education system, virtually negating anything made. This, happening at short notice and in mid term. Chaos for the kids concerned. Private schools like Eton will still carry on but become a preserve of the rich elite, the majority being foreign. Most of the current cabinet live in wealthy urban communities, where the comprehensives are exceptional (Blair's sons - London Oratory). Although, even that wasn't good enough for Diane Abbott (that well-known socialist firebrand) who sent her son to a private school. She stood up in parliament and - beating the tub - described, with a straight face, sending children to selective schools as "indefensible" and "intellectually incoherent". Typical socialist hypocrisy. They won't attack private healhcare because it would have the same devestating effect on the NHS. Not to mention the government use it. Dentistry, optical care and pharmacy, have always been provided by the private sector and, technically, most GP practices are private partnerships. All the drugs, supplies and equipment used by the NHS are privately provided.
Lordo wrote:Can you guys ever post one thing without mentioning me? WTF people you go nout better to do?
Nout (sic) better to do?
Says the man who in the past has posted a dozen rants a day. More posts than everybody else on this forum put together (not difficult nowadays).
I miss 2019 when, having made an even more than usual total prat of yourself over Corbyn, you disappeared for a year with your tail between your legs.