I have noticed that recently in this forum certain members have been flawnting the serious nature of this forum by posting gratuatous pictures of their pets...!!
Well it's not good enough.. I thought this was a hard hitting Political forum where I could enter into heated debate with other free thinkers and phillosophers concerned with the whole Turkish/Greek Cypriot issue.
Nah....only joshing.
I thought why not get eveyone together and post our pet pics in one place as it is obvious we are all proud of them.
Let us know about your pet, it's breed, name, temperement etc. I'll get the ball rolling with my dog Juno. She's a 2 year old Parsons Terrier, a Jack Russel breed, so she has that Jack Russel temprement where she has to get into everything.

And yes, she loves muddy puddles.
All together now, Awwwwww....