On the way to work this morning I came across a cat that had been hit by a car but was still alive. The poor things was trying to get up but due to its head injuries and obvious pain couldn't move. I stopped the car and contacted my vet who told me to bring the cat into his surgery. The cat let out a piercing squeal as i picked it up and put it in the car. There was so much blood everywhere I was surprised it was still alive but it was fighting hard. The vet said that unfortunately its windpipe had broken and there was alot of internal injury. He had to put it to sleep.
It was awful and really upset me.
My point is, someone hit the animal and yet drove off? They probably have damage to their car but didn't even think of stopping to check on the poor cat. Are we STILL a nation that is so heartless? This cat was someone's pet, a living creature and someone just didn't give a shit!