repulsewarrior wrote:...i'm sick; that's why i haven't been posting a lot.
repulsewarrior wrote:...i'm sick; that's why i haven't been posting a lot.
repulsewarrior wrote:...recovering from surgery on my spine; no pain but it is hard to sit for any length of time, hard to walk any distance in my weakened state as well, tiring easily my time is mostly spent horribly bored in/on my bed.
repulsewarrior wrote:...recovering from surgery on my spine; no pain but it is hard to sit for any length of time, hard to walk any distance in my weakened state as well, tiring easily my time is mostly spent horribly bored in/on my bed.
repulsewarrior wrote:...five hours two surgeons, the ligament scraped of its calcium, a clamp made of titanium is added which includes a bone mesh that is fitted then packed, quite amazing to me; no pain, but i don't dare go outside the limits the Doctor has set, lie on my back be still and exercise by walking. I get better. My strength is returning, what was not possible a month ago is in the past, staying out longer is the challenge; sometimes, now, if i have a really good sleep i wake-up and my hand is numb no more for a few moments having a real grip, i am hopeful.
...and oh yes, the extra 8 kg i have struggled to lose (virtually all my life) is gone.
...speaking of this amazing medical help we get, do you receive your care from a Public System; my care at the Montreal Neuro was/is flawless. Yet, it took a long time, six years, to get treatment at no 'cost' to me; (Canada at the moment), it works anyway.
repulsewarrior wrote:...
...speaking of this amazing medical help we get, do you receive your care from a Public System; my care at the Montreal Neuro was/is flawless. Yet, it took a long time, six years, to get treatment at no 'cost' to me; (Canada at the moment), it works anyway.
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