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Religion in schools

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Postby TonyC » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:16 pm

VEX8 wrote:When i say Authority figures i mean the Police, teachers, parents. These people don't need to 'earn' respect from anybody. Of course any individual should question any authority they don't immidiately understand but the Police?? Teachers?? Don't confuse respect with trust, even though i agree both can and often are abused, that is no reason to ignore them.

I'm afraid I'm still not with you on this one. I've no problems with respect for the Police, teaching and parentage, as institutions, but the individuals that make up these institutions certainly won't get my respect if they abuse their positions - police brutality, teachers' apathy and, sadly, parental abuse, aren't incentives for my respect. As far as I'm concerned they do "need to 'earn' respect".
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Postby Piratis » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:59 pm

Tony, you have a good point. On the other hand a 10 year old is not mature enough to decide what is right and what is wrong. Therefore at that ages they should respect their parents and teachers and if when they grow up they decide that they way they were treated was not the correct one then they can be better parents themselves and help the society advance to something better than the previews generation.
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Postby TonyC » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:18 pm

Absolutely right, Piratis! Maybe if we operate on the principle that everyone gets respect until the're proven not to deserve it (then we can crap on them)

That way maybe some of the threads about the North-South conflict would be a bit more readable, without all the "I spit on your mother's grave" sort of stuff. A little respect would certainly make it easier to take some of the comments seriously.
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Postby TheCabbie » Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:09 pm

cypezokyli wrote:i disagree with learning religions , especially in junior schools.
at higher ages children should learn all religions and be able to choose

Amen to that...ImageImageImage
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