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Postby bg_turk » Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:23 pm

Michael wrote:Yes, including Anatolia. Now Mr Big Turk pack your bags and get back to the Mongolian stepps where you belong. And take your bird flu with you

You say I should go to Anatolia? Come and force me!
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Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:39 pm

Yes, including Anatolia. Now Mr Big Turk pack your bags and get back to the Mongolian stepps where you belong. And take your bird flu with you


Thats just beautiful aint it and they were just telling us how much they love us :roll:

Mongolian Stepps? try Turkestan Steps :wink: Mongolians have there steppe and we have ours, we mixed in history and come from nearby regions but only the ignorant dont know the difference.

Are Greeks, Ittalians? are French Spanish, man there next door, ooh am I being stupid :lol:
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Postby Michael » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:13 pm

Dont you want to go back to your ancestral homeland. dont you feel like tourist in Europe?
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Postby bg_turk » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:18 pm

where exactly is my ancestral homeland?
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Postby Michael » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:33 pm

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Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:48 pm

Mongolia or Siberia? or Turkestan? which of the 3 will it be.

Oh and we've been in Europe for over 2000 years and the Pechens have been in the Balkans for almost 2000 years now :wink:

Also, if were to go to Turkestan (not that there's anything wrong, I mean have any of you seen how beautiful Ozbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kizgizistan etc is :shock: ) well shouldn't also the Hungarians go back to Central Asia as they are of Hun(TUrk) and Magyr(Ural) descent.

Shouldnt the Bulgarians also go back to Turkestan as they are also of Turkic descent :P

Oh and what are we gonna do with all the Greek half-breeds :lol: your woman have got so much Turk blood running through their veins, no wonder they still have so much love for us :wink:

So what is it to be, if were to move back it should be fair, therfore all the Greeks who ever mixed with Turks must also return aswell.

Oh and what about the Slavic Macedonians where should they go?

And the Albanians should they move back to Ancient Albania(modern day Azerbaycan)

Etc etc

This carries on untill, the new Hitler Mr Micheal is happy that full racial segregation has taken place and that races are back where he see's fit for his superior Ancient Greek Race to Rule supreme over the world.

Only one problem, after every1 moved out


Its the slippery slope Ignoranus argument of pathetic racists as yourself :wink:
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Postby kalamaras74 » Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:52 pm

CORRECTION. Sorry everyone. I made a mistake. I meant WWII previously. But the time the civil war rolled around the Chams had left already. So I should rephrase. Greeks suffered at the hands of the allied Chams and Axis forces. Chams suffered as the result of Zervas' retaliation. The extent of the Chams collaboration with the fascist Italians and Germans and whether the minority or the larger part of the Chams collaborated is up for debate. I am going to ask around about this.

But I think it is very valid to bring up Albania. You have a country of Muslims and Christians and there is relatively little friction, so it is possible.

Granted there is some extremism and fundamentalism. The assassination attempt on Anastasios, the grenade that exploded in that Kafeneio in Himarra, the Omonia five, etc. But the overall vibe between the two communities is benign, both between Muslim and Christian Albanians and Albanians and Greeks. A bulk of the factories and infrastructure of Southern Albania is run by Greeks. I visited Albania and my relatives harbor no animosity toward their Albanian neighbors. Granted the Greek community suffered under Hoxha and all of them had to drop the 's' from their last names, but they will be the first to admit that EVERYONE had it rough in Albania.
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Postby bg_turk » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:16 am

kalamaras74 wrote:CORRECTION. Sorry everyone. I made a mistake. I meant WWII previously. But the time the civil war rolled around the Chams had left already. So I should rephrase. Greeks suffered at the hands of the allied Chams and Axis forces. Chams suffered as the result of Zervas' retaliation. The extent of the Chams collaboration with the fascist Italians and Germans and whether the minority or the larger part of the Chams collaborated is up for debate. I am going to ask around about this.

The reason I brought this topic up was because I though it was very similar to the situation in Cyprus.

A few cham extremists attempted unifaction with Albania, very similar to what Greek Cypriots did in Cyprus.
Many Greeks suffered as a result of this attempt of the Chams, and similarly many Turkish Cypriots suffered as the ENOSIS attetmpt of Greek Cypriots.
But both of these unification attempts failed, and as a result Chams have been ethnically cleansed from Chameria, and Greeks have been ethnically cleansed from Northern Cyprus.
Greek Cypriots demand their properties, Chams demand their properties too.
ths similarities are really striking, and if a precedent in the settlement of Vproperties in Cyprus, might be used to the advantage of Chams. Very much like the TRNC, Greece is keeping on stolen property which is worth billions of dollars.
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Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:04 am

This is all very Hypocritical isnt it.

This phrase sums it up,

'Dont through Stones if you've got a Glass house"
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Postby kalamaras74 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:01 am

I hope you are not throwing any.
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