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Fidias wins!

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Re: Fidias wins!

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:22 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:

...most hopeful

Quite the reverse RW, absolutely hopeless. People voted for him for every reason under the sun except what he stands for. They have no clue what he stands for. The biggest problem Cyprus faces is the Cyprus Problem and not once does it get mentioned. It is quite sickening in reality GCs are being dis-attached from reality.

Very sad indeed.

Although if anybody can find the clip about what he said about turning Cyprus into Singapore or Hong Kong and wait for the Turks to come to the table and beg for an agreement would be very useful. This in itself proves that he is clueless why there is no peace in Cyprus. If he had a single thinking cell in his empty skull he would know that the one country which oppose peace in Cyprus is Russia and consistently advised GC establishment not to agree. Ironically Makarios Drousiotis understands perfectly what the problem is and voices it too but his party attracted 3.5% of the vote. This is even sadder than the fact this clown has been voted in. We seem to get further away from peace by the hour never mind day.
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Re: Fidias wins!

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:15 pm

...what is our leadership, these elites 'we' elect, have their own intentions; "They" are trapped in a dogma and a concept of "winning" which serves their constituencies, their donors. Have they been doing anything all these decades for 'us'? "Being'' "Greeks" and "Turks'' in affect, such a person as Fidias is a threat to them; voting for him, once again was the 'Cypriot' thing to do, much like the election of a Turkish MEP for the first time in the last round of EU elections.

...No Lordo, it is hopeful. Such as it is, it is (another) alarm bell which what is the establishment should be listening to.

He is a young man, in effect more an Individual than a Person. He has an open mind and he is intelligent, a great communicator; i expect he will learn a lot, and we will learn a lot as a result. Indeed, such an individual can do a lot, he may galvanise the People, perhaps because he has no affiliation to any political collective, but his love for Cyprus.
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Re: Fidias wins!

Postby Lordo » Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:41 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...what is our leadership, these elites 'we' elect, have their own intentions; "They" are trapped in a dogma and a concept of "winning" which serves their constituencies, their donors. Have they been doing anything all these decades for 'us'? "Being'' "Greeks" and "Turks'' in affect, such a person as Fidias is a threat to them; voting for him, once again was the 'Cypriot' thing to do, much like the election of a Turkish MEP for the first time in the last round of EU elections.

...No Lordo, it is hopeful. Such as it is, it is (another) alarm bell which what is the establishment should be listening to.

He is a young man, in effect more an Individual than a Person. He has an open mind and he is intelligent, a great communicator; i expect he will learn a lot, and we will learn a lot as a result. Indeed, such an individual can do a lot, he may galvanise the People, perhaps because he has no affiliation to any political collective, but his love for Cyprus.

RW establishment is not the problem. It seems both right and left of Cypriots politics idolise Russia and will not move one millimeter from Russian interests. Sure I agree with you in that establishment on both sides of politics have used the situation to benefit themselves. How ever if Russian or American interests are threatened in any way by this clown, they will take him down. Bigger fish are at play and little fish know their place in the world.

The way things stand is Cyprus serves the interest of Nato by offering facilities for their army and it serves Russian interest by keeping Turkey and Greece at each other's throat. This serves the interest of Russian and Americans. Nothing this clown can do will change that.

So this idea that if Cypriots wanted peace they could have it is really fantasy.

BTW GCs also voted an ELAM member to the EU too.

It seems there is no country on earth that does what Cyprus and Greece do. They serve the Russian and American interests in equal measure.
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