Not were exactly post this topic, and decide to post it here, in General Chat.
The topic is about photography. I’m professional designer that live and work in Cyprus. That’s foreground, how to say, and everyday work.
In background I’m photographer. Basically I shoot landscapes, partially portraits, and very rarely other genres. Have some experience and some awards.
I’m interested to find people, why are interested to join me in my journeys in Cyprus. Why not afraid of rainy weather, burning sun, hard raises in the mountains, why will agree stand up early in the morning see first sun rays and mist over tall lands. And take all this beauty on film or digital censor

The other part is meeting after journeys. Normally, peoples why interested in photography, meet sometimes in quiet café to show each other latest works, discuss about it, find mistakes and arrange next journey

As a man, why have some experience in photography, of course I can help starters, but only if see, that there is desire for learning.
If someone, after reading this few words not afraid from new hardships, that may spring up in your life, you are welcome to "journey"...

I post here some latest my photo-works, that readers don’t think that I’m unfounded.
And sorry for my “bad” English, I hope, you understand everything that I write. I dont think, that this is real obstacle.
Here is my contact info: [email protected]
ICQ: 255592986
Sincerely yours,