Birkibrisli, I think the term Greek/Turkish Cypriot is more correct than Cypriotturk/CypriotGreek since the noun in the first case is the "Cypriot" which in my opinion carries more weight than the adjective "Greek/Turkish" which is just an attribute of the noun (Cypriot).
If you say CypriotTurk, then "Cypriot" becomes just an attribute.
The again there is high possibility I am wrong in this since I was never good in grammar ...
Piratis,Grammatically you are correct.Cypriot as a noun makes it more significant.But I am soooooo sick of hearing and reading and writing about
Greek/Turkish Cypriots.It reminds me of our violent/hateful past somehow. I would love to say just Cypriot but that would be very confusing if people don't know which adjective I mean.
I am simply emulating the style left wing unionists are using in Turkish in Cyprus.They say Kibrisliturk,Kibrislirum etc...The turk and greek bit is always in lower case and they are attached to Kibrisli(Cypriot) bit which always begins with Capital K. It is an attempt to make our ethnic origin less significant than when they appear as Turkish or Greek as adjectives.
So think about Cypriotturk not about Cypriot Turk