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Terrorists of Cyprus history

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:10 am

You talk about brainwashing and then have the audacity to write this

I can even admit to having doubts about Alexander the Greats ethics within his acheivements..

WAKE UP, he was Macedonian, this is accepted world wide except among certain Greek denialists.

you want us to be greatful for hundreds of years of oppression?

Do you just invent your own history, WE DIDNT TAKE THE ISLAND FROM GREEKS!!!! Tell me exactly when this mythological date was when "Greeks" ruled the Island.

Go and learn the difference between VENETIANS AND GREEKS, oh and those silly stories about how its all Christians vS Mulims is Bullcrap aswell.

Venetians saw you as HERETIKS they were CATHOLIC and had Crusader tendancies, they oppressed your people and THEY DIDNT ALLOW GREEK ORTHODOX PRACTICES, YOU HAD TO OBEY THE POPE!!!!

The Greeks were DELIGHTED when the Turks arrived lol, your Head of Church greeted us with flowers, YOUR CHURCH WAS ALLOWED TO BE OPERATIONAL AND YOU COULD WORSHIP IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE IN YOUR OWN CHURCHES.

Oooooh but they dont teach you this in Greek Schools do they, your parents dont teach you this do they, NO it wouldnt be convienient would it.

I know it hurts you to accept that Turks treated you with more respect and also your Religion than your so-called Christian Venetian friends.

So whose in Denial??? :wink:
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:51 am

I wonder, if we had took the European Route, destroyed all your religion and in the name of CIVILISING, banned your language, forced you to learn Turkish, erase the name GREEK out of the history books and assimilated you into Turks, would there be this problem today

The DNA of Greek and Turkish Cypriots is almost identical. How do you think this was achieved if it wasn't for assimilation. Think of it this way Turkish Cypriot DNA is closer to Greek Cypriot DNA than it is to the Mongol DNA of Ghengis Khan.
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Postby Strahd » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:02 pm

Lala_Mustafa_Pasha wrote:You talk about brainwashing and then have the audacity to write this

I can even admit to having doubts about Alexander the Greats ethics within his acheivements..

WAKE UP, he was Macedonian, this is accepted world wide except among certain Greek denialists.

you want us to be greatful for hundreds of years of oppression?

Do you just invent your own history, WE DIDNT TAKE THE ISLAND FROM GREEKS!!!! Tell me exactly when this mythological date was when "Greeks" ruled the Island.

Go and learn the difference between VENETIANS AND GREEKS, oh and those silly stories about how its all Christians vS Mulims is Bullcrap aswell.

Venetians saw you as HERETIKS they were CATHOLIC and had Crusader tendancies, they oppressed your people and THEY DIDNT ALLOW GREEK ORTHODOX PRACTICES, YOU HAD TO OBEY THE POPE!!!!

The Greeks were DELIGHTED when the Turks arrived lol, your Head of Church greeted us with flowers, YOUR CHURCH WAS ALLOWED TO BE OPERATIONAL AND YOU COULD WORSHIP IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE IN YOUR OWN CHURCHES.

Oooooh but they dont teach you this in Greek Schools do they, your parents dont teach you this do they, NO it wouldnt be convienient would it.

I know it hurts you to accept that Turks treated you with more respect and also your Religion than your so-called Christian Venetian friends.

So whose in Denial??? :wink:

HAHAHAHA...did history started for you from the time moameth was born... or when you got down from the trees. You are such a grant idiot.

Fact for you...
After1400 BC, the first Greeks came to the island, Mycenaen merchants, who started the Hellenisation of the island.
By1050 BC Cyprus can be considered a Greek island, with the language, culture and religion of Greece well established. Cyprus has ten city-kingdoms and by 800 BC it is a flourishing and prosperous country.

Oh by the way Alexander was Macedonian and because Macedonia was part of Greece he was Greek... and that what the official Macedonians say..
Macedonia's former president Kiro Gligorov in the Toronto Star on March 15, 1992 said: "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (AD)."

In an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, Macedonia's Ambassador to Canada said: "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian" and that "there is some confusion about the identity of the people of this country."
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Postby Strahd » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:09 pm

A few more for my friend Pasha and his Macedonian friends

"For I (Alexander I) myself am by ancient descent a Greek, and I would not willingly see Hellas change her freedom for slavery." (Herod. IX, 45, 2 [Loeb])

"Tell your king (Xerxes), who sent you, how his Greek viceroy (Alexander I) of Macedonia has received you hospitably." (Herod. V, 20, 4 [Loeb])

"Now, that these descendants of Perdiccas are Greeks, as they themselves say, I myself chance to know." (Herod. V, 22, 1 [Loeb])

The country by the sea which is now called Macedonia... Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were originally Temenidae from Argos"
(Thucydides 99,3 (Loeb, C F Smith)

"But Alexander (I), proving himself to be an Argive, was judged to be a Greek;
so he contended in the furlong race and ran a dead heat for first place."
(Herod. V, 22, 2)

"The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock, as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine to testify."
` {John Bagnell Bury, "A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great", 2nd ed.(1913)

"Clearly, the language of the ancient Macedonians was Greek"
{Prof. John C. Roumans Professor Emeritus of Classics Wisconsin University}

"There is no doubt, that Macedonians were Greeks."
(Robin Lane Fox "Historian-Author" In Interview with newspaper TO BHMA)

The speech of Alexander I, when he was admitted to the Olympic games "Men of Athens...
Had I not greatly at heart the common welfare of Hellas I should not have come to tell you; but I am myself Hellene by descent, and I would not willingly see Hellas exchange freedom for slavery....
If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the Hellenic cause, to acquaint you with what Mardonius intends, and to save you from being surprised by the barbarians.
I am Alexander of Macedon."
(Herodotus, The Histories, 9.45)
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Postby Michael » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:35 pm

Why do you bother expending any energy responding to this "mustapha" . it is pointless. if he said that Aristole was Chinese, or Mozart was from the Nigeria would you bother answering. of course not.
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Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:48 pm


WoW, they really did brainwash you at Greek School lol

1st. The quotations apparently from "Alexander the Great" are a COMPLETE FRAUD, as the word GREEK was first used by Romans and we all know the Romans came a long time after Alex :wink:

Fact for you...
After1400 BC, the first Greeks came to the island, Mycenaen merchants, who started the Hellenisation of the island.

1. This is 3600 years old

2. The word GREEK hadnt been invented

3. There was never a Greek or Hellenic state, there were seperate nations, Sparta etc etc

Oh by the way Alexander was Macedonian and because Macedonia was part of Greece he was Greek...


Sorry but it was Alex who ruled and the Hellenic states were PART OF MACEDONIA.

Oh and you were talking about Macedonians


Lets see what they say,

BIG Greek Lie # 1

by Risto Stefov

"Modern Greeks are direct descendents of the Ancient Greeks"
(The greatest victims of Greek lies are the Greeks themselves) ... fov55.html

BIG Greek Lie # 2

by Risto Stefov

"The Koine Language is Greek"
(Modern Greeks are victims of their own making) ... fov59.html



[NOTE: Our apologies to the Greek people if they find these articles offensive. Our objective here is NOT to create tension between the Macedonian and Greek people but rather to highlight the problem that exists within the Greek State and its institutions. As long as the Greek State denies our existence as Macedonians with rights and privileges, we will continue to publish these types of articles.]


After nearly a decade of contemplation as to which language to use, Greek authorities finally decided to adopt the Koine language as the liturary language of their new nation. They disregarded all vibrant and living peoples' languages in favour of the ancient administrative and commercial Koine.

Unfortunately, after two millennium of evolution, the modern version of Koine contained many foreign elements and proved distasteful to the Greek purists who wanted a pure language which was close to those of the ancient City States.

After nearly a century of using Koine, the purists finally got their chance to replace it. Their new choice was an old dead Attic language used by the ancient Athenians 2,500 years ago. The Greeks called their new language the Catharevoussa for its linguistic purity.

Unfortunately, this language had been dead for two thousand years and the Greek literary world which was used to the bastardized impure Koine, found it very difficult to understand and impossible to express emotion. Its use was finally terminated in the 1970's in favour of the bastardized Koine (Dimotiki).

For those Greeks who insist that all ancient Greeks spoke a dialect of the same language, here are some simple and common everyday words in English, Ancient Attic and Modern Koine;

(Ancient Attic)
Dimotiki (Koine)




Gida (Katsika)

Kid (baby goat)


THE TRUTH: The Koine language belongs to all the Eastern Mediterranean people and not just modern Greece.

Modern Greece took the Koine language, which by right belongs to all the Eastern Mediterranean people, for itself and now calls it Greek.

Just because Greece adopted Koine as the literary language for its modern nation, it does not make it exclusively Greek. Koine evolved as the language of administration and commerce in the entire Eastern Mediterranean and as such belongs to all the people in the Eastern Mediterranean world.

If anyone should claim credit for Koine's effectiveness and long survival it should be the ancient Macedonians who insisted on using it for centuries

Also you quoted that the Island of Cyprus had what you termed as "Greek Gods"

BIG Greek Lie # 3

by Risto Stefov

“The Ancient ‘Greek gods’ were Greek”

The DNA of Greek and Turkish Cypriots is almost identical. How do you think this was achieved if it wasn't for assimilation. Think of it this way Turkish Cypriot DNA is closer to Greek Cypriot DNA than it is to the Mongol DNA of Ghengis Khan.


More ignorant nonsense.

1. Where are the DNA tests, who took them, what biased is used, what is the sample size etc

2. This is likely as we mixed with many of your woman, it was permissable for us to Marry your woman but our woman couldn not marry non-Muslims ie DNA tests of our woman are more accurate.

3. As you mixed with us you picked up our traits and so while you think your "Pure Ancient Greek" infact alot of you have some Turkish genes in you hehe :wink:

4. Again the common mistake of bringing "race and ethnicity" into the equation, Turks had no notion of racial purity or even Race for that matter.

It is well documented that among the common Turkic features there Turk tribes in which blue eyed and red haired people were present, there was also dark skinned tribes etc Race and Ethnicity didn;t mean anything.

To understand this you have yo read and learn about our Nation/Millet system and the Codes of the Clans and their Laws.

At those times it was tribal, Turk tribes moved in the Largest numbers for eg the Legendary Oguz numbered over 5 million, as such a HUGE clan was on the move, many smaller clans and tribes joined and adopted Turkishness, therefore there land was protected, they were protected by the Turks as they had become Turks and they could share in all the wealth.

So many ethnically Non-Turk tribes joined the Turks, this makes them a Turk to us, as if you speak Turkche, say your a Turk/Feel Turk and are Muslim then your a Turk. Once your a Turk your a full Turk, its not like a Black or Indian trying to become English and fighting for acceptance, once your a Turk you were entitled to every right a Turk was and you were treated an equal and could rise to any position. This is what made "becomming" a Turk very attractive.

Also especially in the Great Jihad of the Legendary Oguz, many many Arab and other Muslim tribes joined and became united to the Turks.

Untill you realise what it is to be a Turk, you'll always find it hard to understand but its a beautiful system which is all embracing and accepting.

For eg, My Uncle look very dark, you may mistake him for looking like a Dark Arab Egyption, while my neice has Blonde hair and blue eyes.

This makes absolutely no difference, as being a Turk is not determined by skin colour or ancient ethnicity, something Europe hasnt yet been able to grasp.

Also, you say "Mongol"? now Turks are Turks and Mongols Mongols, Genghiz had many Turk tribes along with his Mongol tribes.

When the Golden Horde settled in Central Asia they were over-run by the huge number of Turks, the Mongols got Turkified and Islamified and as the Uygur Turks were responsible for the Mongol Administrations (scribes, writting, accounting, diplomacy etc) they took charge from the inside, the Turk armies then were able to in control of the Mongol hordes thanks to the Clever Uygur Turks. The Mongols as they had becommed Turkified were now Turks.

This is why the common mistake of thinking Mongols are Turks or vica-Versa comes from, we have mixed and come from originally quite close regions.

For eg, the Babur Empire, is called the Mughal in the West, however, Babur was a Turk, spoke Turkish, wrote the Babur-Nama in Turkche, said his people are Turks and ruled half of India.

European historians confused by how Turks could be in China, India, Turkestan, Middle East and Balkans all at once assumed that it may be a Mughal Empire but now its fully agreed it was Turk :wink:
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Postby Michael » Mon Feb 13, 2006 6:00 pm

Mr Mustahph I cant believe you wasted your time and this forums space by writing such complete nonsense. Its pointless trying to have a rational discussion. Do you and the President of Iran also exchange notes on the Holocaust?
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Postby Alexis » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:23 pm


Please don't take offense at this, but do you actually ever bother researching your posts to this forum?

1st. The quotations apparently from "Alexander the Great" are a COMPLETE FRAUD, as the word GREEK was first used by Romans and we all know the Romans came a long time after Alex

The word 'Greek' comes from the Latin and was, and is the common term used to describe Greeks in the English language. As you say, this word was coined by the Romans to describe the 'Greeks' or Hellenes. This obviously would not have been the term used in any of the quotes which of course have been translated from ancient Greek to English. quite honestly what did you expect?

Also, please look up the dates for Alexander the Great, and I think you will find that the Romans were most certainly around at that time.

As for the language (Koine), I honestly don't exactly know what you are trying to prove. It is simply a language, the language used by a large number of people in the Eastern Med. Upto now no problems, but why you then insist on trying to disassociate this language with that used by the Ancient Hellenes (I'll call them this so I don't cause any confusion) is what I do not understand. All languages change, what is obvious to most experts is where the New Testament Greek came from and that was predominantly from the language the ancient Hellenes spoke. With the exception of Chinese, modern Greek is the closest to it's ancient counterpart of any other language known to man. Have look at the written English from the time of Chaucer (c. 1350) and see if you understand any of it. In contrast most well educated Greeks could probably decipher 50% or so of an ancient Greek transcript.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:59 pm

Turks obviously have an inferiority complex since in their history they managed nothing much more than kill and steal the land of others.

This is why Lala and his kind refuse to accept that their neighbors, the Greeks, had a civilization that was far superior than anything they ever managed to produce.

For those Greeks who insist that all ancient Greeks spoke a dialect of the same language, here are some simple and common everyday words in English, Ancient Attic and Modern Koine;

Can your propaganda become more ridiculous than that? Language is a living thing and keeps transforming. This is the same thing with English and many other languages. Actually in the examples that you gave both words are used (e.g both Ipos and Alogo). Actually in Cyprus if you go to a village they will always use the word "ornitha" and not "kota". Since Cyprus was far from the rest of the Greek world we maintained in our dialect many of the more ancients words even though they have been replaced in Greece.
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Postby Michael » Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:35 pm

Agreed, poor Turks . There only strength is that there are so many of them.
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