welcome to the forum stefan
up to now the refuggees were not given the choise between land or money. there is a process going on that they might be given that choise. who will choose to apply is a whole different story.
in theoretical terms, i dont have any numbers or study to give to you unfortunately.
my personal opnion is that even though i ve heard some people asking for compensation and end of the story, the overwhelming majority still wants to have its land back. dont forget that the first generation refuggees are still alive, and i dont believe it is easy for the kid to say to its father, well forget it and lets go for the money
by "return", do you mean to get their land back, or return to inhabit those places if given the chance ?
as for "return", there are two kind of "returns" unfortunately - and that is, only in the case of a solution. the first is the one in the gc federal state, and the second in the tc federal state.
in both, return would be hindered, by the factor that people have already their lives set up in the south (jobs , families..etc)
in the gc state i believe that famagusta and morphou could be also in the short run, fast inhabitet. for the villages it could take really longer. this is due to the fact that a whole process should take place, in order for those people to decide to return. that could also be a hindering factor (i.e. access to water, electricity, schools, hospitals...supermarkets, etc..)
in the tc state, return would be even hindered by 1) numder limitations from the solution it self and 2) the fear that is stuck into our heads.
remember thats just a personal opnion