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Postby Bill » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:50 pm

Svetlana wrote:I would be cautious of taking advice on the merits of moving to Cyprus, form those who have yet to do it. 'Life in Cyprus' is very different from 'Holiday in Cyprus'. Reasonable jobs are scarce, pay is low and there is not the social security structure that Europeans are used to. The risks are greater if you have children; will they fit in? Will learing Greek tbe too diffciult for them? Will you be able to support them?

Unemployment is low, but it is who you know - not so easy for a foreigner - which is likely to dictate your success in getting a job here. It has worked for me, but like everyone who succeeds in life, you need a whole slice of luck.


That Svetlana is about the best advice that could be given to those intending coming to live and work in Cyprus .

I will be retiring soon and will come to live in Cyprus in February next year ( early retirement ) and will have a good pension --- as I'm reasonably "Cyprus aware" I realised the difficulty of finding well paid employment which has stopped me from coming to Cyprus earlier.

I do feel sorry for those who come here expecting it to be just like the UK but with sunshine only to return to the uk broke and disappointed.

Cypriots will always give good well paying jobs to fellow Cypriots -- it's their way and in my opinion quite right too --- the only way round this is to have a trade / skill i.e. plumber / plasterer / carpenter or start your own business ( with it's own set of problems ) but you still get low wages -- of course there are exceptions but they are very few and far between.

Cyprus is a beautiful place -- great for holidays --- but it has it's own set of problems which are not seen when on holiday.

I overheard a comment made by a British couple on holiday in Larnaca a few weeks ago --- they reckon that it must be a great life in Cyprus as most have big houses / flash cars etc -- what they didn't realise is most Cypriots have hugh loans to pay for it all --- are up to their neck in debt and it's not unusual for them to have two jobs so they can survive.

If you can find a good well paid job in Cyprus good luck to you --- if you can't prepare to struggle to make ends meet and perhaps return to the UK disappointed.

Sorry if I sound rather negative but I feel that more than a little common sense is required before making that all important move.

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Postby avyixy » Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:46 pm


Very well said!!. At last someone from the UK who does not view everything about Cyprus through rose tinted glasses.

Most people who hear the truth think that we are mad, but I completely agree with you.

I have lived most of my adult life in Cyprus and now have a family and believe me with two growing teenagers and their demands, making ends meet is sometimes a struggle.

However I am quite fortunate in that I have been in the same job for a number of years now and my monthly wage is not great but it's not the minimum either. And my hours are pretty good too!!

I feel sorry for those shop assitants that get the minimum wage and have to work long hours and sometimes wonder where I will end up if ever have to look for another job.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:15 pm

I have to add that most of the younger as opposed to the retirees living here have all said that the frustration and being undervalued, has made them feel spiritually low. One said they dont physically beat you but they eat away at your spirit, because of the low pay and the attitude that if you dont like it, you can easily be replaced. In many sectors you are expected to work flat out, and breaks are not adherred to so often you can work 8 hours without one. Especially in the tourist sectors. Because there are many from the eastern block countries prepared to work for less, it makes you expendable, unless you have a skill they need. And in 30 degrees celcius in the summer, its exhausting... Health and safety are issues that have not been fully addressed here, or EU workers rights, so think hard before you leap, and rent first and dont break all ties back home..
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Postby RichardB » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:17 pm

Previous 3 postings absolutley spot on.

Too many people arrive on the Isand full of hope and aspiration to start a new life and end up full of dissapointment.

It would be interesting if figures were available for how many return home with dreams shattered

I have a great life here but its not easy especially to start with.

I wouldnt rubbish anyones dreams but please do your research first
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Postby amy1kw » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:54 pm

Good to know your still around cyprusgrump, not having much luck with the flying, they want me to start from scratch coz i have the FAA training, and not the JAA..:( not happy, and plus he's bumped up the prices from what the web says.. oh boy very miss leading, i should have stayed in the states and finnshed it.. now what to do?
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:16 pm

If the website says one price and he is trying to charge you another you can report it as false advertising or bait and switch. It is illegal.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:13 pm

amy1kw wrote:Good to know your still around cyprusgrump, not having much luck with the flying, they want me to start from scratch coz i have the FAA training, and not the JAA..:( not happy, and plus he's bumped up the prices from what the web says.. oh boy very miss leading, i should have stayed in the states and finnshed it.. now what to do?

I can put you in contact with the guy I mentioned before… but he has moved to Pafos.

PM me and I’ll send you his e-mail address – if nothing else you can chat it over with him.
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