I also feel sometimes that these Islamic extremists are big attention
seekers, they'd do anything to get taped and shown on TV, burn flags,
destroy buildings, whatever little excuse they get. They live in their
own "magical","religious" world, where they are the only right ones,
surrounded by infidels, sure it must be annoying when the infidels
publish cartoons dissing them. Diplomacy is not a strong site for
Islam though, so they resort to direct actions first, before they sit
down to think about what's going on. Burn, kill, destroy, sit down to
think(?) about the consequences later...
I think if someone draws caricatures of Christ, Vatican will nuke'em
Imagine if these extremists had nuclear weapons as their disposal,
good bye Denmark!
I think it's time to create a new religion for the masses, for the
ones who don't want to ponder "why we're here?" for themselves, a peaceful
one, based on quantum physics and call it Quantianity or Quantam or
something... and let the church be the internet. I think the internet
is gonna be the only thing opposing the next world war, it's not easy
to misinform. The users of internet have the ability to view events from different
perspectives, not only what the local media or the government say,
which automatically makes them one step wiser, if they are not
ignorant of course...
You know what Iran's answer to this is? Make an international competition for the
best Holocaust caricature, now Israel is gonna Nuke em, just wait....