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Postby Leonidas » Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:08 pm

blondophile wrote:Hello !

I m from Paris, I m use to drive on the french motorways (45 000km half paris / half motorways),
I drived, i think 15000km on the cyrus motorways the past 3 years.

I think its so nice, especially the morning about 7oclock.

I m use to go working every morning at 30/50 km/h during 50km its so boring !
But i think the traffic in lefkosia is huge for a big village !! If you compare to geneva in swiss for example.

I don't like driving in Nicosia. Too complex road design. You can go straight, or what it seems to be and one slight turn and you are eventually back where you started. And them one way streetsssss .
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:25 pm

A little while ago i spent a good deal of time driving around London as a delivery driver. You want nightmare road system, you should try it.
The problem with cities like London is that the road system has 'evolved' rather than been planned like mosr U.S cities like New York which is set out in a grid form.
Therefore you get roads that were built for horses having to take heavy vehicular traffic.
And just to spice things up the powers that be decide to do things like reverse existing one way systems!!
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Postby Leonidas » Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:29 pm

VEX8 wrote:A little while ago i spent a good deal of time driving around London as a delivery driver. You want nightmare road system, you should try it.
The problem with cities like London is that the road system has 'evolved' rather than been planned like mosr U.S cities like New York which is set out in a grid form.
Therefore you get roads that were built for horses having to take heavy vehicular traffic.
And just to spice things up the powers that be decide to do things like reverse existing one way systems!!

Oh believe me, I know London. Driving nightmare for sure. Even in the outskirts where one would think they has SOME kind of planning.
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Postby Mikros » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:02 pm

I remember the first time I got a car in the UK, trying to drive from Canterbury to Guilford... At some point I realised that I was heading north..... it took me one hour driving to return to the correct way... since then I always had a map with me.... :)
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Postby Leonidas » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:08 pm

Mikros wrote:I remember the first time I got a car in the UK, trying to drive from Canterbury to Guilford... At some point I realised that I was heading north..... it took me one hour driving to return to the correct way... since then I always had a map with me.... :)

Oh yeah, and try driving on the other side of the street LOL
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:14 pm

Mikros wrote:I remember the first time I got a car in the UK, trying to drive from Canterbury to Guilford... At some point I realised that I was heading north..... it took me one hour driving to return to the correct way... since then I always had a map with me.... :)

Obviously you're a bloke because a woman would have asked for directions rather than drive around lost for an hour!!!

Me?? I have maps for everywhere!!!
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Postby Mikros » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:14 pm

Nope, as the UK drive the same CORRECT way as in Cy. :) I have driving both left hand driven and right hand driven cars, with no problem, but I find the right hand driven cars better controllable since, you hold the steering wheel with the right hand which is usually the stronger one, hence have more control, and just change gears with the left one, or if you have an auto box, hold a mug of coffee.... :)
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:18 pm

And Canterbury to Guildford??? Easy...out of town to the A2-M2-A2 to the M25 then clockwise to the A3 straight to Guildford. Uni exit is just past the town.

Easy. You can keep the directions for next time Mikros :D :D
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Postby Leonidas » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:20 pm

Mikros wrote:Nope, as the UK drive the same CORRECT way as in Cy. :) I have driving both left hand driven and right hand driven cars, with no problem, but I find the right hand driven cars better controllable since, you hold the steering wheel with the right hand which is usually the stronger one, hence have more control, and just change gears with the left one, or if you have an auto box, hold a mug of coffee.... :)

Yeah but with the right hand free is easier to take care of a nice pair of female legs next to you,,, :wink:
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:26 pm

Do you know where the tradition of driving on the left comes from?

It's from when we used to ride horses and needed to keep our sword arms ready for a fight. As traditionally sword fighters use thier right hands so we needed to pass on the left.

And those that drive on the right? Just plain weird.
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