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Twin Towers

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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 07, 2023 7:36 am

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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 07, 2023 7:43 am

I have been through all these links, maybe not in all detail but at least enough to gauge the content. As hard as I have tried I cannot find a single source in all those that explains how the 47 core columns of both buildings, and the hefty girders surrounding them on each floor were destroyed! Nothing at all.

All they talk about is trusses and ‘concrete’ floors totally collapsing due to fire expanding the trusses, in each case a floor area of about one acre, which of course is only a consideration where there was actually a fire! How did this affect the integrity of the central core where most of it was completely undamaged and completely surrounded by fire walls on every undamaged floor?

There is only so much heat (energy) in the 2-3000 gallons of Jet A1 left out of the 20.000 in the aircraft, as most of it was ejected on impact and then what remained disappeared down through the broken floors created by the impact, and then poured down the lift shafts and staircases on the undamaged floors below.

Do YOU have a valid explanation as to how the 47 columns broke into short lengths (circa 36 ft) and then collapsed to ground level with no resistance at all to gravity? The inner core remain intact as the light concrete floors and trusses pulled off the 5/8” bolts and plummeted down the gap between the columns/girders and the 236 self supporting columns and spandrel joint plates, that surrounded the whole structure?

Here are pictures,drawings to help you work it out ………..,and%20the%20corners%20were%20beveled.

I can explain my theory that fully complies with what all the videos show ……… CUTTING CHARGES in a set sequence from top to bottom or bottom to top, with small explosive charges for the final break at each level, again in a predetermined sequence! (Do you remember how Fred Dibna used to knock a hole in the structure, brace it with timbers and then ignite them?) That scenario would also account for all the dense gushing smoke emanating from the top of each tower, but only very small flames, until it all collapsed. The falling sections of core column, liked through the surrounding girder pulling the light concrete floors down with them.

What’s your explanation to replace that ‘conspiracy’ theory?
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:15 am

Who did it?


How ? The Al-Qaeda aspect.

Despite what would clearly have been a considerable number of people involved in such an endeavor, or at least in the know, do you (does anyone?) believe it credible that after 22 years not a single word has emerged from any of the alleged participants? “Them?” :roll:

These are valid, reasonable questions. Instead of addressing them though you sit, wrapped up in your Newton bubble, lecturing on bricks and mortar. Stubbornly ignoring them. But…………they ain’t going away. :wink:

I think any reasonably minded person will understand your attitude.You haven’t the faintest clue.You’re just peddling a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. One of many.

Don’t worry. Like buses there will be another Conspiracy Theory along soon.
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:30 am

Londonrake wrote:Who did it?


How ? The Al-Qaeda aspect.

Despite what would clearly have been a considerable number of people involved in such an endeavor, or at least in the know, do you (does anyone?) believe it credible that after 22 years not a single word has emerged from any of the alleged participants? “Them?” :roll:

These are valid, reasonable questions. Instead of addressing them though you sit, wrapped up in your Newton bubble, lecturing on bricks and mortar. Stubbornly ignoring them. But…………they ain’t going away. :wink:

I think any reasonably minded person will understand your attitude.You haven’t the faintest clue.You’re just peddling a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. One of many.

Don’t worry. Like buses there will be another Conspiracy Theory along soon.
Without knowing what happened i.e. determination of the crime scene ...... no judgment can be made. That is a basic principal of Law.

You have always avoided answering the question as to WHAT happened ..... as you do not have enough knowledge of basic physics or engineering principals. So you ask who did it an answer neither you or I can answer ...... and even identifying WHAT happened will not answer that questions. It would however get investigators looking in the right places! :roll:
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:22 am

You’ve nurtured this CT for a very long time. 15 years wouldn’t surprise me. You periodically dust it off and drag it out (here Lordo was helpful in that respect. :D ). With relish, despite the claim here you were reluctant to “discuss” it. :lol:

Earlier, you had quite clearly implied it was a Bush/Rumsfeld construct, used as a justification for the resulting wars. Subsequently even you it seems, the great never wrong expert on all matters, realised how ridiculous that was and we’re now left with it all being down to some disembodied “them”

I’ve said several times and will continue to do so. Your MO is entirely predictable. You will attempt to drag an issue down to a level the likes of demonstrating your knowledge of 5/8” bolts whilst ignoring anything big picture which doesn’t suit. No matter how glaringly pertinent. Here, attempting to wave off the absurdities embodied in the idea that 9/11 was some sort of “inside job”.

Who did it? Answer, Al-Qaeda

Why? Answer, as part of Bin Laden’s long running Jihad against the US.

How? Answer, by hijacking aircraft and flying 2 of them into the WTC towers. A physical embodiment of US power and an event witnessed live by 2 billion people.

Why, after 22 years, hasn’t a word surfaced from the huge number of people that would have been involved/privy? Answer, because there weren’t any.

I can’t speak for others but personally way back grew tired of your vast engineering knowledge being repeatedly and tediously demonstrated at great length in nugatory attempts at a justification of the patently absurd.

Please share your considerable perceptive capabilities and have a go at giving us your take on the fundamental - and entirely reasonable - questions about 9/11 I’ve posed in the context of your claims.
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:07 pm

Robin Hood wrote:The Empire State and other tall buildings are not all STEEL FRAMED !

Robin Hood wrote:You did me a favour as I realised ‘steel framed’ is not the correct description for WTC1 and WTC 2! They are really ‘steel cored’ buildings!

Robin Hood wrote:These aircraft fully loaded carried about 10,000 US Gallons of Jet A1

Robin Hood wrote:There is only so much heat (energy) in the 2-3000 gallons of Jet A1 left out of the 20.000 in the aircraft...

You’ll be telling us the bolts were 9/16” and not 5/8” next… :roll:
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 07, 2023 4:01 pm

As an aside:

In November 1980, a Nimrod, the aircraft which I flew many thousands of hours on and Captained at one point, with a training crew of 22, took off from RAF Kinloss in Scotland. It had quite a few friends and work colleagues of mine on board.

Just after take-off the aircraft hit a large flock of Canadian geese, losing the effective power from 3 of the 4 engines.

They had no option but an emergency landing and flew into a local forest. Both pilots died upon impact but the remaining crew, despite numerous injuries, some severe, survived.

Ironically, the thing that saved them being the aircraft was full of fuel. Had it been even partially empty the highly explosive result would undoubtedly have killed them all.

The 2 aircraft which crashed into the WTC were likely to have been at their optimum explosive capability.

Notwithstanding of course that "somebody" actually blew the towers up. :eyecrazy:
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Lordo » Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:08 pm

It seems to me the original engineer involved in the construction has been interviewed and confirmed that and exploding airplane with all the fuel was not considered in the design. We have the fire engineers proving that at certain temperature steel becomes much weaker and unable to hold what it is supposed to.

So the answer is fairly simple. There is no conspiracy, it is just an oversight to protect a building from attack. The real issue was how the Yanks did not check to make sure the internal flight passengers were not armed.

If you really want to look at conspiracy, have a look at the moon landings. And I do not care how many people were involved, there is a good chance it was a conspiracy.

What we need to do is debunk the debunkers.
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:13 pm

Lordo wrote:It seems to me the original engineer involved in the construction has been interviewed and confirmed that and exploding airplane with all the fuel was not considered in the design. We have the fire engineers proving that at certain temperature steel becomes much weaker and unable to hold what it is supposed to.

So the answer is fairly simple. There is no conspiracy, it is just an oversight to protect a building from attack. The real issue was how the Yanks did not check to make sure the internal flight passengers were not armed.

If you really want to look at conspiracy, have a look at the moon landings. And I do not care how many people were involved, there is a good chance it was a conspiracy.

What we need to do is debunk the debunkers.

:lol: This forum never fails to surprise me. :lol:
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Re: Twin Towers

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:50 pm

Londonrake wrote:You’ve nurtured this CT for a very long time. 15 years wouldn’t surprise me. You periodically dust it off and drag it out (here Lordo was helpful in that respect. :D ). With relish, despite the claim here you were reluctant to “discuss” it. :lol:

Earlier, you had quite clearly implied it was a Bush/Rumsfeld construct, used as a justification for the resulting wars. Subsequently even you it seems, the great never wrong expert on all matters, realised how ridiculous that was and we’re now left with it all being down to some disembodied “them”

I’ve said several times and will continue to do so. Your MO is entirely predictable. You will attempt to drag an issue down to a level the likes of demonstrating your knowledge of 5/8” bolts whilst ignoring anything big picture which doesn’t suit. No matter how glaringly pertinent. Here, attempting to wave off the absurdities embodied in the idea that 9/11 was some sort of “inside job”.

Who did it? Answer, Al-Qaeda

Why? Answer, as part of Bin Laden’s long running Jihad against the US.

How? Answer, by hijacking aircraft and flying 2 of them into the WTC towers. A physical embodiment of US power and an event witnessed live by 2 billion people.

Why, after 22 years, hasn’t a word surfaced from the huge number of people that would have been involved/privy? Answer, because there weren’t any.

I can’t speak for others but personally way back grew tired of your vast engineering knowledge being repeatedly and tediously demonstrated at great length in nugatory attempts at a justification of the patently absurd.

Please share your considerable perceptive capabilities and have a go at giving us your take on the fundamental - and entirely reasonable - questions about 9/11 I’ve posed in the context of your claims.

Maybe this will give you a clue as to why “... after 22 years” nobody is willing to expose the truth about who was responsible for or behind 9/11 ......... those described seem to have powers to use distortion of historical events to cover their tracks, an underground set up that ‘we’ are completely clueless about. (Except for you of course?) :roll:
Jail Blair, Bush & Cheney First - October 3, 2023

“Cheney was vice-president during George W. Bush’s presidency – and the man who actually ran the show.”

But you think the events of 9/11 were all planned by Bin Laden and Al-Queda? An old man and an acute diabetic on dialysis, living underground in caves in the Bora Bora Mountains of Afghanistan with communications and movement under constant surveillance by US satellites, managed on 9/11 to totally disrupt the US NORAD Air defense system, ran several simulated attacks on government buildings in New York, all off which needed a lot of intelligence and planning involving presumably many people but managed to kept the plan all very secret and managed to initiate all this from a cave some 7,000 miles from the designated target. I’ll bet he was watching it all come together on CNN! :)

And, when the US eventually caught him, they executed such a valuable source of intelligence on Al-Queda operations, at sea with no witnesses! on the other hand think this was all beyond the capability of Cheney and Rumsfeld and other shady characters within the ‘Deep State’, the US Banking and finance industry and the big arms manufacturers? :o

REALY? :o Your kidding me ....... right? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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