I've known you for a very long time. You will be asleep now - or staring at the ceiling simmering. Reading this very early in the AM
Robin Hood wrote:Do you feel better for getting all that hatred and spite off your chest, launching your usual venomous and sarcasm fueled attack on me? I wondered how long it would be before you just had to have your usual say!

Now how many times have you done this over the years? It is a repetitive scenario. Most of it .... in fact all of it .... is your bitterness coming out. What a sad case you are.
You have never flow an aircraft in your life ..... not that just flying one is that difficult! Do they have 'Captains' in the RAF? The Captaincy of a Maritime Patrol Aircraft with a crew of 13 ..... WOW! We didn't have Ranks, I just did a job I was considered to be good at! I was only a humble lead discipline engineer on a $1.3bn project, indirectly and also directly responsible for the work of over 400 field engineers and technicians! So I had to to have a fair knowledge of ALL their jobs. But they never called me 'SIR' or saluted me! I didn't even get a bloody medal when I retired ...... just a healthy bonus!
You are correct ..... I do despise sarcasm ..... something you excel at! It is the fall back for those that have no explanation to support their opinions. It is an '
attack' disguised by warped humor In fact that is all you ever have ..... your sarcasm and opinions. You are a nasty piece of work!

Firstly, regarding the OP. Which of course was a Lordo windup (and it worked!), latching on to a few passing comments I'd made.
You have done/are doing, exactly what I said. Based upon long experience. You're trying desperately to drag things down to a comfortable level. Attempting to keep it purely about Newton's laws and the melting point/weight of this or that and such. The long grass. You're almost completely ignoring the fundamental and important issues of your fantasy.
If what you say is true (

Who did it?
How was the obviously necessary coordination required between the Al-Qaeda attacks and blowing up of the WTC carried out?
Why does it conflict with Bin Laden's boast about his planning and the execution of the attacks?
How does it tie in with the attack on the Pentagon and the aborted one on the Capitol?
Clearly, a lot of people would have been involved or would have known about all this. What credibility do you attach to the fact that 22 years later not a soul has uttered a single word? It's all surfaced from Conspiracy Theory BS.
Obviously (it's like talking to a child) you've latched on to a dud one with this. There are no rational answers because it's all a load of total nonsense.
Hate you? Absolutely not. I actually think, and always have, given the many occasions we've met up, that you're a very nice and interesting person. And, lets face it, I've had a lot of experience. Unfortunately that didn't tie in with your forum persona, which I've always regarded as arrogant to the point of obnoxiousness. And of course to you forums are all important. Far more so than real-world relationships. You're a meek, mild mannered Clark Kent who sees himself as a superforumman. So that always takes precedence. A great pity.
I think:
"You have never flow an aircraft in your life ..... not that just flying one is that difficult! Do they have Captains in the RAF? The Captaincy of a Maritime Patrol Aircraft with a crew of 13 ..... WOW! We didn't have Ranks, I just did a job I was considered to be good at! I was only a humble lead discipline engineer on a $1.3bn project, indirectly and also directly responsible for the work of over 400 field engineers and technicians! So I had to to have a fair knowledge of ALL their jobs. But they never called me 'SIR' or saluted me! I didn't even get a bloody medal when I retired ...... just a healthy bonus!" ..........................sums up your mental problem quite well.
Clearly, when it comes to the Forces you have simmering grudge issues. And I know what you used to do. Another of our mutual friends was a Project Director of such in many countries and has expressed a view of your role. Nevertheless, I've never made derogatory comments about it. In contrast I have had to listen many times to your in essence calling Service wives loud-mouthed sluts, who should get out of your supermarket and Forces people as being universally robotically programmed automatons who can' t think for themselves. Well, apart from the ones like MacGregor and Ritter, who make a lot of money out of feeding your agenda that is. So, frankly, you can shove you faux-offended shite where the sun doesn't shine. You're a man who can dish it out but you can't take it and when it comes to your efforts I'm bludgeon and bullshit proof.
As far as "nasty piece of work" goes. Really?

I 've always been of the view that what's said on a forum belongs there and have stuck to that. Conversely, you've tried on several occasions (and failed) to make my life difficult with cowardly
- actually quite disgusting - off-forum activities. We both know what I'm talking about and for those you've never expressed a scintilla of regret, let alone issued an apology (which, from the great man would be unthinkable of course). You're the perennial "victim". The shite you've experienced in your life is always somebody else's fault. You attract sarcasm like a fly to shit.
When you returned to this forum, after an long absence, I gave you a sincere welcome and extended the hand of friendship to you. Subsequently, I went out of my way to avoid areas of conflict. It didn't work because you simply can't resist playing the role of somebody who is never wrong about anything he posts. No matter how ridiculous it is. This is all down to you sunshine. So, suck it up.