Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake wrote:Lordo wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:IQs < 0 have this tendency, to shelter themselves behind every official narrative without questioning, no matter how full or holes that is.
That's a perfect defense shield, it helps labeling everyone else a "conspiracy theorist".
Oh well, I guess that's the theme "du jour"

You do realise that what you have posted is normally what our Swine friend posts and he will not like it none.
I appreciate you're in an awkward situation. You obviously think Hood's conspiracy theory is ridiculous, too. On the other hand, you have to think of how you can escape upsetting "the boys". Difficult. Don't worry about it though. You've prostituted your "integrity"

many times before. It's ended up with your simply not having any to worry about.
As far as "swine" is concerned. You use it so much about so many that in essence it's become meaninglessly enigmatic. I appreciate why you use it so much. Easy to spell, rather than all those other awkward words.

FYI: Newtons Three Laws of Motion are considered among others, as the UNIVERSAL Laws of Physics. But you think they are conspiracy theories?

Just shows how
ill-informed you are. You seem to think your opinions of my explanations, and the explanation provided by anyone that disagrees with or challenges you, trumps the Universal Laws of Physics. I think that is best described as being rather CONCEITED especially as you never have an explanation of your own!
Your posts consist of one theme ..... to denigrate others that refuse to sing to your tune! You have absolutely NOTHING to support your opinion. All you can do is criticise and ridicule the opinions of others.
A simple FACT for you to consider is that everything that happened on 9/11, that we all saw on TV, was dictated by Newtons Universal Laws of Motion. That is clearly something you find difficult to accept.
LORDO: I disagree with your views but at least you explain them. If you understood Newtons Laws you would realise where and why your thinking does not work! I won't bore you with an explanation. Maybe you can explain how lightweight aerated concrete floors, just 4" thick, on corrugated steel sheet, supported by flimsy trusses .......... by collapsing because of fires brought down these towers, ........... but the RECORDED collapse rate was at free fall acceleration!
Ever heard of kinetic energy? There are two categories of energy, kinetic energy and potential energy. The difference between them is whether the energy is being transferred (kinetic) or stored (potential). They are interconvertible.?

You keep repeating ‘Newton’s Laws of Motion' but I suspect you don’t really understand them nor do you have an explanation of what you think really happened.
think you’re suggesting that under the eyes of the thousands of people that worked in those buildings, the visitors, the security, the delivery men, etc. a team of Demolition Experts wired the building with thousands of explosive charges, linked with miles of Detonation Cord.
Yet nobody noticed anything odd… Not one person?
Anybody that has ever watched one of those Demolition Videos where they knock down a hotel in Vegas or a block of apartments can see what a huge job it would be. Not only the miles of Detonation Cord and the thousands of explosive charges, they often have to remove big chunks of the structure to make sure it falls ‘properly’...
But nobody noticed all this work,
Not one person?And then, they persuaded a bunch of terrorists to learn how to fly and fly the aircraft into the buildings – yet even though they were amateur fliers they hit the building
so precisely as to not disrupt the incredibly complicated network of explosives and detonation cord that had been fixed in the building to ensure its destruction?
And yet, years later
not one person apparently involved in this huge operation has come forward.
Not one person with the deaths of thousands on their conscience has decided to speak out.
Not one conspiracy theorist like yourself has managed to find any solid evidence like an unusual amount of explosives being purchased by a demolition company. Nothing.
Sometimes we have to rely on Occam's razor…
Terrorists flew planes into the building causing vast damage and an inferno which caused them to collapse.