Lordo wrote:This is the best joke I have read for a very long time. Unfortunately it is in Terggish.
“Tarih öğretmeni çocuğa sormuş:
- Oğlum, Kartaca savaşını kim yaptı..?
-Valla-billâ ben yapmadım hocam...’deyince tarih hocası sinirlenmiş, sınıfın kapısını çarparak çıkmış..
Matematik hocasıyla burun buruna gelmiş..
Matematik hocası:
_ Hayrola hocam..? Bu ne sinir..?
_ Sorma...’demiş tarih hocası..
_ Çocuğa Kartaca savaşını kim yaptı dedim..?’ _Valla-billâ ben yapmadım hocam...’dedi...
_ Nasıl sinirlenmeyeyim..?
Matematik hocası:
_ Bunlar böyledir hocam...Hem yaparlar, hem de inkâr ederler...’ deyince, tarih hocası sinirden düşer, bayılır..
Müdür odasında kolonyayla kendine getirilince müdür sorar:
_ Hayrola hocam..? Ne oldu ki fenalaştınız..
_ Sormayın müdürüm’ der tarihçi..
_ Derste çocuğa ‘Kartaca savaşını kimler yaptı..?’ dedim. ‘Valla-billâ ben yapmadım demez mi?’ Sinirle sınıftan çıkarken matematik hocamız sordu...
Durumu anlatınca: ‘Bunlar böyledir, hem yaparlar, bir de yapmadım derler...’ deyince bayılmışım..
_ Hocam, şu üzüldüğün şeye bak...’ der Müdür..
‘İki satır yazı yazarım Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına, kimin yaptığını hemen ortaya çıkartırım..’
Tarih hocası hastanelik olur..
15 gün hastanede yatıp tedavi görerek, bir ay raporlu olarak taburcu edilir...
Evinde dinlenirken postacı sarı bir zarf getirir... Tarih hocası merakla açar zarfı..
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığından gelmiştir resmi yazı..
‘Bu yıl, gerekli tahsisat olmadığından, Kartaca savaşları yapılamayacaktır..
Bilgilerinize...’ yazmaktadır...
"The history teacher asked the boy:
- Son, who fought the battle of Carthage..?
-Well, I didn't do it, sir...', the history teacher got angry and slammed the door of the classroom.
He came face to face with his maths teacher.
Math teacher:
_ Hello sir..? Why are you so angry..?
_ Don't ask...' said the history teacher.
_ I asked the boy who caused the battle of Carthage..?' _Honestly, I didn't do it, sir...'...
_ How can I not get angry..?
Math teacher:
_ The kids are like that today, sir... First they do it and then deny it...'
The history teacher falls in anger and faints.
When the History teacher is brought to Headmaster’s room with a bit of cologne he comes around, the Headmaster asks:
_ What’s the matter..? What happened that it was so bad you fainted..
_ Don't ask, my Sir,' says the historian.
_ In class, I said to the child, 'Who caused the battle of Carthage..?' 'He said honestly hand on my heart I did not do it, as I angrily walked out of the classroom, our math teacher asked...
When I explained the situation, he said: 'These are the things that they do, and they say I didn't do it...' SO I fainted.
_Look at this thing you're upset about...' said the Headmaster..
'I will write two lines to the Ministry of National Education and I will immediately reveal who did it.'
At this point the history teacher is hospitalized from anger..
He is hospitalized for 15 days and treated and discharged with a report for one month...
While resting at his house, the postman brings a yellow envelope... The history teacher opens the envelope curiously.
Official letter from the Ministry of National Education..
'This year the Carthaginian wars will not be able to included in the curriculum.
Google translate and a bit of changes from me.
"The history teacher asked the boy:
- Son, who fought the battle of Carthage..?
-Well, I didn't do it, sir...', the history teacher got angry and slammed the door of the classroom.
He came face to face with his maths teacher.
Math teacher:
_ Hello sir..? Why are you so angry..?
_ Don't ask...' said the history teacher.
_ I asked the boy who caused the battle of Carthage..?' _Honestly, I didn't do it, sir...'...
_ How can I not get angry..?
Math teacher:
_ The kids are like that today, sir... First they do it and then deny it...'
The history teacher falls in anger and faints.
When the History teacher is brought to Headmaster’s room with a bit of cologne he comes around, the Headmaster asks:
_ What’s the matter..? What happened that it was so bad you fainted..
_ Don't ask, my Sir,' says the historian.
_ In class, I said to the child, 'Who caused the battle of Carthage..?' 'He said honestly hand on my heart I did not do it, as I angrily walked out of the classroom, our math teacher asked...
When I explained the situation, he said: 'These are the things that they do, and they say I didn't do it...' SO I fainted.
_Look at this thing you're upset about...' said the Headmaster..
'I will write two lines to the Ministry of National Education and I will immediately reveal who did it.'
At this point the history teacher is hospitalized from anger..
He is hospitalized for 15 days and treated and discharged with a report for one month...
While resting at his house, the postman brings a yellow envelope... The history teacher opens the envelope curiously.
Official letter from the Ministry of National Education..
'This year the Carthaginian wars will not be able to included in the curriculum.